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Anyone Still Interested in My Portraits?


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Just wondering. I stopped making them becuz i thought it took too long. Bu now, I have found a more efficient way of doing them, so I might start doing some tonight.

Anybody still interested? Or is everybody content with LevRees'? (Sorry, I can't spell your name)

It'd be nice if someone'd reply - and give me a team to work on.


Cris ;)

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Just wondering. I stopped making them becuz i thought it took too long. Bu now, I have found a more efficient way of doing them, so I might start doing some tonight.

Anybody still interested? Or is everybody content with LevRees'? (Sorry, I can't spell your name)

It'd be nice if someone'd reply - and give me a team to work on.


Cris ;)

I'm interested in the "more efficient way of doing them"

What is your new method?

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I'm interested in the "more efficient way of doing them"

What is your new method?

Its not THAT efficient. Anyways, before i learned this, things went like this:

magic wand on the gray background, then color it black, and manually brush in any weird grey stuff around the head. Now, i can eliminate those just by going to select -> contract -> 1px and it contracts my selection to exclude on those weird grey borders.

Anyways, I'm working on the D-Rays right now, hope you guys will appreciate.

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How are the D-Rays coming??? got pics for everyone exept for these guys if you need em'

Wes Bankston

Jon Barratt

Elijah Dukes

Brian Henderson

James Houser

Jason Pridie

Shawn Riggans

Travis Schlichting

If you need em just tell me!


edit: oh ya, and Matt Diaz

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