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to Umachines about the 2xlitepacks


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hey man...i absulutly love your work...i set up my game with all your kit pack...

i just have a question for you, why when the player play with long sleeves, in some far views the long sleeves apper in solid blue?i tried to serch inside the fsh files to see if i could find any corrupiton, like a bugged part, but i could ...everything seems perfect...i saw the flaw when i was playing with Boston (using the alternate whit with red sleeves kit(V2.0) against the Dbacks, using the black away kit...

btw , congratulations for you great work m8.

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Hi!. This is some sort of bug, related to the fact that extra unies are not supposed to exist :mrgreen: . It only happens in long sleeve matches, the ones played in cold enviroment. The fact is that for regular uniforms, long sleeves have a standard color in far views, most of the times the same that in stock uniform close view. But as there is not a file for this graphic inside each uniform scheme, the system uses a default blue one for non default gears. This looks anoying for most uniforms, but I hadn't found the key to fix it yet.

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ok man ...thanx anyway...thats not a major problem, as its very rare to see long sleeves in the game...ive benn playing alot!! and i saw them using long sleeves just 1 time...

btw. are you gonna realise the RED and ASTROS V2??

thanx man

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At least all teams without both installers (full and safer) will be reviewed. My plans include correcting Reds catcher equipment (mostly black), and adding non-striped white home jersey for Astros. Some other basic changes too, like pants remaking and so.

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yeap youre right in part...theyre red...but theyre not that red uniform that its in the pack...that uniform is the alternative uniform...the bp are in a diferent texture(like the bp that he made for the Cubs, Stl, mets and so on) and they dint have that blue stripe in the middle like the alternative...


BP jersey:



and the Altenative(thats already in the Pack)


i like to have the BP jerseys, to use in the Spring Training... to look realistic..

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just another thing...bigbully suppose i have one of UM pack installed here(that dont have bp uni, like red sox..) if i get one of yours bp unis, will it overwrite one of the UM uni, or will it add ??

ps. dont forget Redsox bp cap is also diferent, the front part(same part where the Orioles cap are orange, is red)

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do you have 9 bosox unis? If so, you'll have to remove one of the unis w/FuzZ's Studio and add the bp uni. I guess you could also just run a .bat file and overwrite your existing uni and then use EA Graph to import a new picture.

Umach - me or you? I still haven't mastered the "holed" uni

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Well, adding red jersey with gray pants, St. Patrick day's uniform and the fantasy navy blue one, all that already turns Boston's in one of the most complete 2xLite packs. No other team has such a variety in my packs, maybe Mets one, depiting the fact that I made no retros for Red Sox.

If you compare Red Sox pack to Twins', for example, you'll see this one does need (in my criteria) something else, perhaps BP's. I added the true red jersey with gray pants to avoid making BP's, that's just a resource for teams with few uforms to choose from. But I think a well built jesey looks much better than BP ones.

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ok than...hopefully one of you can make it than one day when you have time..

the thing i think is cool in the bp unis are the shirt texture..looks amazing...

Bigbully i have UM pack toaly of 9...but i will overwrite the blue fantasy one or green one(althoug they look great!!) but the red sox wont wear them anymor(i think they didnt evan wear it right in the game?? it was just at the bp before the game on stpatricks day??i dont remember anyway)

i have abother question, is the alternate no sleeve unifor fantasy??cause i have never seen it, but if its fantasy, i think boston should think about doing one cause look great!!sepecialy the sox instad of Red sox slogan...

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Changing them is very easy: Inside the 2xlite pack readme file, there are the names of every file. You could choose one of the extra uniforms (the one you want to remove), and replace its files for the ones of the BP jersey renamed to match them. Then just run the full installer again. Or you could remove them with Fuzzone's MVP Studio and add the new one again.

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