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Alright...here's a quick question.


Would you Download the PROPOSED Atlantic League expansion?  

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    • Yes
    • No
    • Atlantic What?
    • Maybe I need more details!

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Is there a program to create and edit the players in the game like Blomman's NHL Editor or NHL View (for PC NHL Series)...if there is where can I find it?

Also what i'm planning on doing is adding Free Agents (Mainly) from the Atlantic League (www.atlanticleague.com) (Henderson and more play there now) and some of the top Asian League players.

So any help is appricated...I'd like permission from any creator of a accurate Minors/Majors roster set to use there rosters as a base for this (ATLANTIC LEAGUE EXPANSION)...

Thanks in advance.

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i'd really dig some japanese teams! i lived there when i was a teen for 7 years and got to see some really great players, it may be hard to find the unis to do accurate mods though. i wanted a japanese pro cap and had a ***** of a time finding one online. but i believe with fuzzstudio u could make the teams and replace say a minor league team. so say for instance u could make the japanese league and replace the AA texas league. also if u really want to get into it u could mod all the faces as well. or u could make them all look like asians by assigning the players to specific asian face fsh files in the attribute file. either way u could do it but it would take a lot of time to it right.

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that is true.you can do that.

this would be a great idea guys. Fuzz, help this man out.

you 2 should work on this together. i've actually thought about doing this a couple months back, but other things have my time to help you out, but I would definitely use it. It would give this game a brand new feel.

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