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Whats up, I have Playstation 2 and im looking to get updated rosters and updated attributes (majors and minors) and whatever else I can get. Im not sure if any of you can get me newer uniforms for or anything like that for the ps2 version. Can someone hook me up please or tell me what I need to do. Thanks.

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When you say modify i have no clue what your talking about. All I know is last year I bought an updated memory card with major and minor league roster updates. So instead of sounding so condescending why dont you look at the simplicity of my question or let someone else answer. Thanks.

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What I typed may seem condescening but that is just the way you read what I typed. I'm actually bending over backward for you.

Search google for "mod" and "ps2"

Do the same for this site. Me helping you-that's done. And I say that respectfully.

CLUE you need to mod your ps2 so you can use that mem. card you said you bought that has modded stuff on it. :twocents: :alright: :attention: :attention: :attention:

Search google for "how to mod ps2" or something like that. THEN you can download stuff or use that mem. card you say you have.

NOW I'm talking condesc. to you. And I'm sorry, but I'm offended by you when I'm trying to kill myself to help you. :headache:

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