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My dynasty..I have a question


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Hey guys, I am playing my dynast using 07 with UR.

I never had actually gone deep into a dynasty before. Now I am. When

do your minor leaguers and pros gains attributes? Do they throughout the

season? And when do you guys normally promote players in your farm

system? One last question, when do you normally rest players? Thanks

for taking the time to answer.

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Minor league prospect and other players gain attributes at the end of spring training.

I usually promote players when a player is injured and so i can give him some big league time.

I rest players when i see that a great player is struggling,so i can give him a day off.For the catchers i give him a day off after 4-5 games

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Actually, throughut the season, your players attributes will increase and decerease depending on how they are playing. Its nothing drastic, but they might gain 1 or 2 contact points or there control will go up on a couple of their pitches. Stuff like that, its nothing major. However, like superciuc said, at the end of spring training there is a progression report on all your players and shows if they have imnproved or declined, there you will see some big or small changes.

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