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calling all modders:mod idea


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i am thinking about and taking suggestions for a wiffle ball mod of mvp 2004, including all menus, physics, stadiums, unis, equipment and any thing else that fits into a wiffle ball game...any help is apreciated...seing as all i know how to basically do is bats and maybe the ball...thanx alot guys...

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i am thinking about and taking suggestions for a wiffle ball mod of mvp 2004, including all menus, physics, stadiums, unis, equipment and any thing else that fits into a wiffle ball game...any help is apreciated...seing as all i know how to basically do is bats and maybe the ball...thanx alot guys...

lol, wtf?!?!

Let's also make a mod for the game in which we can walk out of the stadium, steal cars, shoot people, and kill monsters.. :roll:

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sounds an awful lot like Grant theft Auto :lol:

but seriously, I don't think anyone wants a wiffle ball mod, we are a modding community to make a the most realistic baseball game and having a wiffle ball mod is not making the game realistic.

though I applaud your willingness to do mods.

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hey parasol no need to be a sarcastic [naughty word]...it was just an idea...

I'm just messing wit ya..It actually sounds like a fun idea and I'd definately try it out if it ever got done

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Guest Mindwarped

yeah that's right Parasol, you back down and change your tone. i know your dirty little secret. and join mvpinsider.net!

Yes join MVPinsider.net where the boards ultimate hothead is a moderator

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Guest Mindwarped

Yes join MVPinsider.net where the boards ultimate hothead is a moderator

you know I was just joking around right

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