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On-line Roster Editor


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1) How much of the back-end is actually complete? From personal experience, it takes a lot of time to code a roster editor. I think it took me three months before I was even satisfied with what MVPedit was producing. And it still has many flaws I have failed to address out of laziness and lack of time.

The back-end has not been coded. But I am quite confident that I can have a working version within a couple of week.(mid march) Many of the functionalities required in the back-end I have coded in previous web applications and use the same components.

2) How will you handle security? I guess I'm just curious as to how it will be shared amongst multiple clients. What prevents someone from going into a roster and messing everything up if it's shared online?

3) I guess great minds think alike. I've been working on a system very similiar to this (albeit without this nice interface) and it should be done in a couple of weeks. My first priority will be to get MVPedit working for MVP Baseball 2005, and then update the web-based application (as I'm currently coding it off the 2004 base). I'm hoping to have MVPedit updated within a couple of days, and the web-based editor in a couple of weeks after the game release.

I was thinking the same thing. First off each user would have an account and have to login. There would be two rosters “2005†and “All time teamsâ€. They would be stored in a database and could be export at any time. Also using Flash shared objects, each change made to the rosters would be reflected in real-time. Meaning if one player is traded each user would see the player remove for his original team. This avoids multiple changes being done at the same time. I was only planning on having a team work together and not have contributors make changes and having to review them. Each day I would make a backup of the database.

I'd like to help with yours at it seems to have promise, but between MVPedit and the web-based stuff I'm doing, and the work I'm doing over at TPG.net, I simply don't have time. I would ask that you don't use the MVPedit name just to avoid confusion.

The only stumbling bloc that could delay the project is in reading the dat files. I was hopping you could help with this. If you were to create a COM which does all of the i/o from the files this would be major. All I would have to do is call the COM and it would return an object (instead of the access db) to read/write from.

There could be a way for us to combine your back-end code with my front end. What is your web-based roster developed in?

If you decide to launch your own web base roster, and not try to work on a joint project, I will probably let mine go. There is sense in have two apps doing the same thing.

I applaud you for doing this because I too see this as the best solution for modding roster and also for what it will bring to the MVP community.

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The back-end has not been coded. But I am quite confident that I can have a working version within a couple of week.(mid march) Many of the functionalities required in the back-end I have coded in previous web applications and use the same components.

1. you have my support & admiration for even taking on this project.

2. You seem to be familiar with coding & web apps. Would you be interested in building an app to extract stats from mvp2005 as well? (involves reading sav files) MLBTinker has started this project last year and made great strides (stats reader)

See old Sav Reader thread

It seems he went M.I.A. on us for now at least, was wondering if someone will pick up where he left off.

I for one did some scripts to produce a web-friendly output to track dynasty stats (Active Stats For Mvp2004). It was well recieved and this year I'd like to introduce some new features for MVP2005 that would need a new kind of app.

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alright, here's the issue with anyone creating a roster set as a colaboration ... the idea in principle is sounds, divy up the work and no one is overloaded and it gets done faster ... alright

problem ... no two people rate players with a similar system and no two people see eye-to-eye on how players rate ...

with that said good luck on the project, I will make any and all of my data avaliable to you as I progress for the betterment of the community, but my participation will be exclusively geared towards the Real Baseball System

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Kamasutra - I would be interested even though I'm not familiar with his program. Reading the .sav file could be a problem. I'll read up on the thread, hopefully MLBTinker posted some info on how he cracked it. I'd be willing to help you with your dynasty stats or what ever app you have in mind.

jackcasper49 - Yes it would be difficult to get everyone to agree on player ratings and I'm sure their would be some heated debates over player ratings. We would have to come up with some standard formulas like those posted by paulw.

I'm hoping to get a reply from RGlass regarding my last post before I delve into this project.

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MLBTinker posted the format the file was in at one point in time I think - I really wish he would come back. :)

Yep, he used a hex editor and analyzed the strings of numbers in the save file. Since the save file is always the same fixed size (can't remember if it's 1086 kb or something) the strings remain the same.

I too wish he would give sign, he's a busy family man though.

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