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Create A Stadium Target Field Questions


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Someone who knows more im sure will tell you better, but quickly, you must start a game in owners mode, then max out all the stadium upgrades through purchases. there is a program by tywiggins that you can use to increase you in game money, over at mlbmods.

as for assigning it to the twins i dont think you can do this. i assume you mean in dynasty mode. however in dynaasty mode, when you go to play an actual game, you can scroll through stadium select screen to Create a Stadium, and then chose the stadium you worked up in owner mode.

This is how I remember this all, hope it helps, someone can correct me if Im wrong...........good luck

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Yeah, I know the Create-A-Stadiums (CAS) are kinda confusing but if you keep a few things in mind; they will work out fine.

1- First, make sure NOT to rename the stadiums...they must be venuday & venunite.

2- Make sure you have enough money to "max-out" the amenities in the stadium. I used the MoneyChanger app that is/was floating around to max out my money.

3- Make sure to create an "Owner" file...I just named my "TWINS".

If you still have problems...feel free to PM me and I'll be glad to help you out.

Unfortunately I don't believe there is a way to "link" this CAS to the Twins at the Stadium Select Screen. I just have to move over to the Create A Ballpark selection. Make sure to load you owner mode file at this point too.

Hope this helps.

How do I get this to show up properly in the game? The outfield stands are whited out.

Also, is there a way to assign the stadium to the Twins?

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Yeah, I know the Create-A-Stadiums (CAS) are kinda confusing but if you keep a few things in mind; they will work out fine.

1- First, make sure NOT to rename the stadiums...they must be venuday & venunite.

2- Make sure you have enough money to "max-out" the amenities in the stadium. I used the MoneyChanger app that is/was floating around to max out my money.

3- Make sure to create an "Owner" file...I just named my "TWINS".

If you still have problems...feel free to PM me and I'll be glad to help you out.

Unfortunately I don't believe there is a way to "link" this CAS to the Twins at the Stadium Select Screen. I just have to move over to the Create A Ballpark selection. Make sure to load you owner mode file at this point too.

Hope this helps.

Worked like a charm. Thanks!

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Glad for you, when i first played what Dennis did with Target Field, I thought it was totally.....really added to my 2010 Tigers dynasty to get out of the dome when in Minn. and as the Tigers play them alot in a 2010 schedual, it made a big difference.

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