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Someone claiming to have an early copy!


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I just came back and saw that myself, why the hell would someone waste their time photoshopping a pic. That's hilarious...no wonder my wife thinks games are a hazard to my mental health. After seeing the lengths people will take to put out fake crap about a video game, I tend to believe her now! LOL!

By the way...he's the retard right? Although a case could be made for me, as I fell for it!

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Ya, the "retard" in my previous post was referring to this loser who doesnt have the game. Besides, what Ekerd stores get Games earlier than Game stores?! He tried it on the ign boards first, didn't work, then he tried it on the EA boards. What a loser.

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That's the first thing I noticed about these boards. How quick they are, plus everyone here seems a bit more intelligent. I am 29, and it seems like I was talking to a bunch of 12 year olds over there. Not that there is anything rong with that. the yjust seemed more into flaming each other then talking baseball and MVP. I confess I geek out for baseball and hockey games, my wife says I am like a kid in a candy store when I buy a new one, it'll be good to be able to to discuss the game and get some good mods at the same time. Thanks for such a great site!

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I just found this site the other day and think it is sweet. After posting on the EA board for a year I became frustrated with the slow pace. This site rocks. I'm a 24 year old who turns into a nerd when a new baseball game comes out.

Go Twins

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getting the game early isn't a big deal. I've gotten games early, it's because of bootlegging. Whoever has the game early right now doesn't have a legit retail copy.

Not totally true fuzz. Ive beta tested for EA Sports and there is a program called "community leaders" which get selected and are sent the game upto a week early and give direct feedback and so on. Not everyone is a pirate. Ive had a few games early from EA but ive never went and bragged about it or anything, non of the community leaders do, but part of their primary reasons of getting the game early is to share info, screens, and thoughts on the game to other users on the fansites. Anyways some are liers and you can usually tell the ones, but its not allways someone who is a pirate or anything, and certainly not worth getting bent out of shape about.

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