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Can´t change the overlay


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Hi Baseball friends!

I´m trying to change the score overlay after installing mvp 15.
I am copying the files as the instruction says,  to data/frontend (igonly.big and ingame.big), but the overlay won´t change.

How do I change the score overlay within mvp 15?

Thanks in advance and thanks for this amazing site!

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I have that one around. Here are the directions for it.


MVPmods Overlay for MVP 2005 v1.0


Unzip the igonly.big and ingame.big files to your MVP Baseball 2005\data\frontend dir. Please as always, back up the original files first.


Now this is what you can do. Rename the igonly.big file to igonly.big.bak and the ingame.big file to ingame.big.bak.


Next unzip the overlay and put the igonly.big an and ingame.big file that came with the mod in the data\frontend directory. You should be fine now.

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