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Alguien que traduzca a ingles esto que dire por favor ...


Hago este foro para pedir disculpa por mi comentario sobre el roster de Gordo,Si hize mal ... Esque lo que yo quiero es que ustedes usuarios de mvpmods disfruten un buen roster que es lo primordial ... Y el de Gordo sinceramente no creo que sea el mejor,Amigo usted debe entenderlo ... Mire le digo uno de los errores:

-Hay jugadores retirados en su roster,O jugadores que juegan en Japon,Ellos no deberian estar en mvp baseball.

-Los atributos de picheo son muy malos,Por la razon de que los pichers ya en el 5to inning estan lanzando mal,Osea cansados! ... Ninguno tiene su repertorios y velocidades reales.

-Los cuadres de bateo son pocos los que se parecen a la vida real.

-Hay muchos pichers con muñequeras,Y eso se ve feisimo.

-Hay jugadores con tonos de piel incorrectos.

-Faltan incluir jugadores que ya han debutado en MLB y hasta son titulares,Al igual que faltan jugadores del top 100 prospectos importantes.

-Eso y otras cosas tiene de malo su roster,Gordo!


El subir el roster que yo edite no creo que cause problemas a usted,Al contrario,A si usted lo ve y al verlo pues lo hace mucho mejor! ... Y asi vamos hermano,Con competencia ufff es todo mejor,Asi cada vez es mejor el trabajo!Disculpe y espero entienda,Y porfavor de el permiso para subir el mio aqui! ... 

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I was able to translate enough to get the idea of what you posted.


This is an MLB roster.  I don't do prospects because many are not at the MLB level.  I can't count how many times I've said this.  If someone came up very briefly at the end of the season when rosters get expanded, I don't create those players because you can't expand the rosters in the game.


I have actually combed through all of the MLB pitchers during the off season using this site:  http://pitchfx.texasleaguers.com

However the game does not translate the actual speeds properly and therefore they have to be reduced, depending on the pitch type so that you CAN get the actual speeds more life like in the game.  Stamina is based on actual innings pitched and using an excellent calculator available here on this site that was constructed by Dylan Bradbury who has done some tremendous work around here.  If your pitchers are getting tired too quickly, then your sliders need work.


I always indicate that if there are cosmetic suggestions (batting stances, skin tones, etc.) anyone can always PM me and I will adjust in the next roster set.  But I'm not going to waiver on the attributes charts that I developed over time in conjunction with actual statistics.  I've even shared those charts willingly with the community and made a video on how I developed batting attributes.


Basically you came here after I have been doing these rosters for years (and have the most downloads of any rosters ever on this website, which means for MVP anywhere on the internet), and criticized what I've done for a very long time more than any other person has criticized.  I have put countless hours into these over the years and in a few minutes you came here and basically bad mouthed the work.  


Quite frankly I've had enough of this and I'm done justifying to you what I've done and what I do.  I don't think what you posted is going to have you win anyone over to your side of the argument.  My advice to you is to leave it alone.

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