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MVPedit Runtime-error

Rising Son

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Is this the same roster you are using on all 3 computers and all 3 Operating systems?


I am sure you are aware of the 2 files you need to add, if you do get this runtime error.


Only thing i see, is maybe the roster file is corrupted in some way.


I have gotten this error before, I re-added the two files

Re-installed MVPedit and got by it.


I tried using the second import .dbf files way. I think there are two different ways to do so in the program?



That's the thing, you only have to get it to load your .dbf files one time.

Then it creates the .mbe file and you are all set to edit as often as you like.



Hope you get it to work


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4 hours ago, Dirtdog said:

Is this the same roster you are using on all 3 computers and all 3 Operating systems?


I am sure you are aware of the 2 files you need to add, if you do get this runtime error.


Only thing i see, is maybe the roster file is corrupted in some way.


I have gotten this error before, I re-added the two files

Re-installed MVPedit and got by it.


I tried using the second import .dbf files way. I think there are two different ways to do so in the program?



That's the thing, you only have to get it to load your .dbf files one time.

Then it creates the .mbe file and you are all set to edit as often as you like.


Thank you very much.

This problem is the same for each of my PCs.
Occurs when importing to edit the data.

I think the two files are probably WCOMDLG32.OCX and MSCOMCTL.OCX.
After installing those two, install MVP edit again, right?

i will try.

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Yes, this worked for me.


It's the destination of these two files is the key.


Here is what I had saved.




If you're running windows 7 64 bit, then you need to drop these files into this folder:


otherwise they go here



Not sure where i got this information from?

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On 5/15/2022 at 9:10 AM, Dirtdog said:

Yes, this worked for me.


It's the destination of these two files is the key.


Here is what I had saved.




If you're running windows 7 64 bit, then you need to drop these files into this folder:


otherwise they go here



Not sure where i got this information from?

I found the BETA version of MVPedit on MVP Caribe yesterday.
It was able to use it on Windows XP.
Thank you very much.


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