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why is mvpedit editor better than the game editor?


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I have to admit that when I learned about this site, I was hoping that the Roster Mods would be something simple for me like a .sav Mod, because I really have minimal skills compared to most of you guys about this sort of thing (Like editing Datafiles is still way too difficult for me). When I saw that there were roster mods that required MVPEdit, I felt really pissed because I was intimidated, and was afraid I would f*ck my PC up trying to mod MVP....

Well I sucked it up and to be really honest, MVPEdit is just plain awesome, and easy, and it makes doing little things like tweaking Ray Durham, JT Snow, and Marquis Grissom's socks to high a much simplier task than the in-game editor...

Anyways, sorry for my pointless ramble, but I am grateful that this site is forcing me to learn more about computers, and different files.

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