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Any tips in Timing when Hitting?


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I suggest using the mini game for hitting with the Batter's Eye feature turned on.

Depending on how well the pitcher disguises his pitches in real life, you may get a tip off as to what type of pitch is being thrown. Knowing that helps you in timing your swing as the pitch approaches the plate. Using Batter's Eye tipoffs has helped me tremendously !!!

One thing of note is that for each pitch type (i.e. fastball, offspeed, breaking balls) there are a few different pitches within that type. Although the tipoff tells you that the pitcher is throwing a fastball, it could be a 4-seam, 2-seam, or a cutter that all come in at varying speeds. So it still adds a degree of difficulty that does'nt make your timing a sure thing. A good example of this would be the changeup pitch. A Randy Johnson changeup looks like a laser beam coming in compared to the changeup that Shingo Takatsu (Whitesox closer) throws. Takatsu's changeup is MUCH slower and seems to float toward the plate. Basically, all pitches and the speed at which they cross the plate is dependent upon how the real-life pitcher throws it as well as how much the pitching meter in the game is filled up setting the effectiveness of the pitch.

Hope all of that makes sense......

Bottom line is that I suggest you spend alot of time playing the hitting game on your desired difficulty level and turn on the Batter's Eye.

Good luck :D

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A good example of this would be the changeup pitch. A Randy Johnson changeup looks like a laser beam coming in compared to the changeup that Shingo Takatsu (Whitesox closer) throws. Takatsu's changeup is MUCH slower and seems to float toward the plate. Basically, all pitches and the speed at which they cross the plate is dependent upon how the real-life pitcher throws it as well as how much the pitching meter in the game is filled up setting the effectiveness of the pitch.

Good luck :D

That would make since wouldn't it.

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Hoosier said, "Basically, all pitches and the speed at which they cross the plate is dependent upon how the real-life pitcher throws it ".

Now, wouldn't that make sense??? Wouldn't Randy Johnson have a 97 mph fastball, wouldn't Pedro have that duoble-clutching change???

Do you get it now little boy???

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Try this............when looking at the pitcher, tilt your head down so your eyes are up, more toward your eyebrows........this might help you follow the balls movement downward..........rest your thumb lightly on the "swing button"......wait for the pitcher to release the ball...........try to pick up the ball as soon as possible.......what you're going to do now, once your eyes have the ball, is move your thumb back (like you're cocking your bat), so in essence, you're cocking your thumb......just **** it lightly, theres no need for a big movement......follow the pitch and press the button (swing)......stay loose....because you're going to want to lay off pitches....basically, when you see a pitch you don't like, don't press the button after you cocked your thumb.........but always **** your thumb.....you have to develop a timing mechanism

This is what I do.......but I wait until the ball is about half way to the plate, so I can get a good read on the ball and try and work the count and get my pitch.....on the pro level, you should be able to **** your thumb once you see the ball released from the pitchers hand and then wait for the pitch to get to you

keep your eye on the ball

**** your thumb

stay loose.....don't tense your mucsles

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jbmagic fan

You've have to learn to hit to all fields...........don't become dependent upon one location.......most of your hitters are righties.......you've have to learn to go opposite field and hit behind the runners....if you can't move runners you're not going to win to often

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Any tips in Timing when Hitting?

#1 - Find a batting view that you really like. I created one like highheat's old low camera that works for me. There are several other great camera mods available (Trues for example) that will allow you to read breaking pitches better and help you determine the pitch type. I don't like any of the default camera's, but that just my opinion.

#2 - Patience. If you're not walking any (which you should be) I would suggest that you play a few games (exhibition) where you just take the 1st pitch every time (ala Julio Franco).

This will help you in 3 ways:

1. Allow you to see more pitches thus you'll be able to read & determine the pitch types better

2. Increase the opponent's pitch count allowing him to fatigue faster

3. Most importantly, it will make you a more patience hitter because your hitting mentality will at the plate will change overall.

Check out this link - it's got some good hitting tips:


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thanks so much

i have hitting eye on. to see the type of pitch being thrown.

the part i not getting is how to hit the different pitch types. Like curve ball, slider, changeup, fastball, etc.

i know there a different approach to each when hitting. but not understanding how to approach it.

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