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Woah woah woah. You don't have to make a new thread for each question you have. :lol:

Yeah, total classics is exciting. It's a great mod. But total classics 3 is not done yet. When it gets done, fuzzone will let us know. Maybe in a few weeks.

While you are waiting, go get total classics 2. :p

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sorry for posting in ALL CAPS i didnt know i was committing a FELONY or something. i have TC Phases 1&2 and i was just wondering when 3 would be released. i play on-line via EA's LOBBY ALOT and i mean ALOT. i have to use TC phase 1 because all of the teams do not work on-line with TC Phase 2 due to the roster file i believe. Thanks anyway!

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sorry for posting in ALL CAPS i didnt know i was committing a FELONY or something. i have TC Phases 1&2 and i was just wondering when 3 would be released. i play on-line via EA's LOBBY ALOT and i mean ALOT. i have to use TC phase 1 because all of the teams do not work on-line with TC Phase 2 due to the roster file i believe. Thanks anyway!


You asked me this question via PM yesterday afternoon , and I told you then that we don't know when Phase 3 will be released because we're still working on team rosters, audio IDs and getting portraits added for each team. Try to be patient (although I know it's hard). Those of us working on this want to get it out as soon as possible, but we also want this to be the last release, so we're taking our time to get everything right, rather than rush something out that will have to be corrected and re-downloaded by everyone. Trust me, it will be worth the wait..... :D

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Everyone 'please' be patient. As Jim825 said we want to release p3

one time. With that said, it is taking time to get 'ALL' the possible pics

and audio's done that ARE possible

maybe 75% of the player pics and 33% of the audio's last names. This will be

a very good representation of the players from the past

Also, team logo's are being created and the final couple rosters finished up.

It is alot of creating, trial & error and it takes time

It will be worth the wait but it MAY take two or so more weeks

Be patient :!:

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