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How do you pitch?


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I used to have a big wind up - start w/ both feet on the rubber, then left foot back while I bring by arms to about nose level, rotate the right leg to point toward third, bring the left leg up to navel (pointed the same was as my right) and arms down to just above navel, then the push off and delivery.

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When I pitched I had a crazy motion because as a hitter, I always loved the pitchers who had a nice smooth motion. It's the pitchers with crazy motions that throw me off.


1- Step off with left foot

2- lift my knee to my head (this part is really fast)

3- follow to home exactly as el duque does from stretch (slow down motion dramatically)'

4- follow through

and on top of it I threw sidearm.

Although my pitching career lasted only a year, I did confuse the hitters alot.

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Well... it's odd.

I pitch right handed.

For overhand: Take the step back, then the step turn on the rubber, lift my leg up parallel with the ground, swing my leg all the way to the front, and have a delayed release. After throwing, I do the little walk off the mound because of the keeping momentum.

My glove stays at my chest until I go to throw the ball, then I do a kind of windmill motion with my arms, left first, right second.

For sidearm/submarine: Pretty much the same until I go to throw. I lean to my right side and come up and around with my arm. I bring my arm up and across my chest.

Glove motion is pretty much like... almost the same until at the end I stick my glove arm out.

The reason for 2 wind-ups are because I like delivering certain pitches different ways.

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