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2003 Cubs vs. Red Sox Video


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can anyone find this video? it was on espn and they spliced together videos and announcers so that instead of both teams losing it with 5 outs left they both won.

Yes, I have heard of this and I've seen it a few times. It features a male Red Sox fan and a female Cubs fan and they have them talking about how close it was for them to watch their beloved team get so close to winning in the post season in 2003 and at the last minute, lose.

You usually can see this aired during World Series time. But you never know if it might be aired on ESPN classic over the winter. And I remember I also saw this when opening day came.

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Thats actually not what I'm talking about. This video aired right after the 2003 world series and I havent seen it since. Basically its real video of play by play of the notorious game 6's but in this version the Cubs and Red Sox don't collapse and it shows them make the last 5 outs and celebrate.

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