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how often does this happen? It could be the result of some other action your taking, and not neccassarily firefox itself. For example, maybe something you use for virus protection or spyware removal is scanning your bookmarks and clearing them? Just a suggestion. I've had similar issues....

but it could just need to be removed and re-installed. Don't switch back to Internet explorer. You'd surely regret that.

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how often does this happen? It could be the result of some other action your taking, and not neccassarily firefox itself. For example, maybe something you use for virus protection or spyware removal is scanning your bookmarks and clearing them? Just a suggestion. I've had similar issues....

but it could just need to be removed and re-installed. Don't switch back to Internet explorer. You'd surely regret that.

This is like the 2nd time in 3 months.

I doubt AVG is the problem, and I don't spyware scan often.

And I tried reinstalling and that didn't help.

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fire fox is so open with its additions and extensions, the problem could be coming from numerous places.

i should start responding like a Dell or Verizon associate. I'll claim my name is Steve, even though you can obviously tell I am 100% Indian. And I will use phrases like.....

"have you attempted to shut off your PC and turn it back on? Is it plugged into the wall?"

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I have been searching through the HELP on firefox, and also just browsing through the Menu < Tools < Options.... and I am yet to find anything that would have an option to clear your bookmarks... but it does give you the option to have a bunch of other things cleared each time you close FF. Maybe your bookmarks are linked to another item some how. Maybe I now suggest, unchecking all of those options that would be cleared, and see if that helps.

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You and I share a problem in common, well kinda, I have 'TAG this' and 'Del.icio.us' in my toolbar and bookmark folder, and it keeps deleting it, along with another extension I saved in there. It keeps deleting it on restart. I think this is an issue with FF 2.0. I am gonna try to find in the about:config file if there is something that can be reset that might be the problem.

Didn't wanna start a new thread for my problem, was wondering if anyone can help.


This occurs when I attempt to open a link to something by clicking on the link, outside of firefox. I believe it's only been happening to me in FF 2.0. In short, what I do is click on a link, such as www.google.com, that someone sends me in aim or a word document or something, and I get that prompt and message, and it can't open it.

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