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Can't Apply Team Pacs


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I have tried several team pacs:


I get fatal errors when applying portraits (gfxpak.exe has encountered a problem etc.) yes I used EA graphic editor first.

I can't apply logos ( runtime errors) it never gets "completed"!!!

I can't change the team names (won't apply to game) yes I run import files after changing the name.

What am I doing wrong here???

This is amazingly frustrating.

Wow, two posts in one day with no reply. Cool.

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Have you updated your portraits before? The reason I'm asking is that gfxpak has problems if the portrait.big file contains more than 2998 portraits. Once you exceed this limit, there is no way to remove portraits with gfxpak (you always get the "gfxpak.exe has encountered an error" message).

I ran into the same problem after installing all of the portraits in the Team Fuzz Classic Roster package. If you install of the portraits in that package, you will exceed the 2998 portrait limit. The portraits WILL work fine in the game, even if you exceed this limit. You just can't modify the file using gfxpak anymore.

The only way I could get around this was to start over from scratch with the portraits. I grabbed the default EA portrait.big file from MVP2004 CD #2. Being a Yankees fan, I then updated the Yankees and Red Sox portraits with those created by BoricuaPapi1885.

Using a combination of MVPEdit and NTNGod's MVP photo list spreadsheet (you can get this on the front page of his website - http://www.highheat2004.net), I was able to identify players that are not in the roster files included with the TeamFuzz Total Classics Roster set.

I started removing portraits for the "missing" players until I got down to about 2075 in the portrait.big file (it took me a while). I then added all of the portraits in FuzzOne's Classic Roster set (there are 875 portraits). This brought my total up to about 2950 portraits in the file. I fired up MVPEdit (which uses gfxpak to get portraits) and everything now works fine for me.

Here's a link to my portraits.big file: http://www.mvpmods.com/pafiledb/pafiledb.p...file&id=959

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please be aware that this portrait file is intended for the TeamFuzz Total Classics Roster set v2.0 ONLY. If you use this portrait file for any roster other than this one, you may find that some portraits are missing (if a player not in the Total Classics Roster IS in another roster you are using).

Also, be aware that the download file is about 69 Meg in size, so it could take a while to download.

FuzzOne told me that he is planning on releasing another Classic Roster set that includes all team packages created since his last Classic Roster set was released. Rather than import these new team packages myself, I'm just going to wait until he makes his new package available and use that one. I'll probably release another portraits.big file after Fuzz makes the new Classic Roster available.

As for your other problems (logos, team name), I'm not sure what the problem is.

Good luck,

- Jim

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Thanks for the reply jim.

I will also just wait for the new team pacs to be installed into the classics roster set and then download that.

It should include all of the new portraits for those added teams shouldn't it?

Yes I have updated portraits for the 2.0 Classics Roster set.

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