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I'd think - I'm not a datafile modder - that it might be for when the season gets a little cold and how it effects how he might do something, but I'd think the cold has something to do when the season grows cold - but don't take my word for it...


Ignore the seasons idea - probably the hit section in the batters 9 spot map, it's probably the middle of the middle section that shows cold...you know picture a tic-tac-toe board and it would be the middle one! Haha...maybe...

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I don't think it does anything.

Kind of building on what Severed was saying: I used to think it had to do with the discipline associated with certain areas of the strike zone. I figured that the entry you were talking amount meant a hitter with a poor zone rating ("cold") in the middle of the strike zone ("med") with two strikes ("02") will have the following discipline rating. I did a lot of fiddling around with them, and it didn't really seem to do anything.

I think a lot of the values in the datafile have zero or negligible effect on the actual game... it's hard to pick out the stuff that makes a tangible difference.

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