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my only big concern


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my only big concern is the time of day and the stadiums. they need to have all kinds of weathers and if you started a game in dusk it should end in night.they also need to jucie up the stadiums alot becuase they arte so boring in the last game.and for extra content they need to have future stadiums like the cardinals new ballpark or the twins new ballpark or oklands.

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definitely need dynamic weather like in Madden. You should be able to have rainstorm that gets heavier as game goes on delaying the game and stuff like that.

Also, why is it that games in Fenway is always either dusk or night? Not like the Red Sox never plays day games...

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they should prolly improve more on when the home players hit homeruns in their stadium, it should do the feature thing...like for example the houston park - the train runs after a homerun. In MVP 2004...it wasn't really well worked on. And in other stadiums such as SBC Park, they should actually count the splash hits instead of just being one number the whole time and the 3 brick towers that shoot out water...

that would be really cool if they did all that...

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and there shouldnt be fireworks in every park. lol they should have the white sox broadcast say 'you can put it on the booooooaaard YES'. but it's not gona happen

not unless Hick Harrelson becomes that game's official commentator..in which case I would NOT even consider buying this game..

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