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MVP 2004 on Parallels (Win2K) on Mac?


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I just got a new MacBook Pro  and have Parallels 15 installed. Since I don't have any newer copy of Windows, I'm running Win2K on it. This should be fine for MVP 2004.


However, I'm having some major problems with it. Namely, it won't run. I don't think this old of a version will run on Bootcamp, so I'm stuck with Parallels...any help is appreciated!!

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I don't know if this is the problem, but it says that it's supported by Win98, Windows XP, and Windows ME. Windows 2000 isn't listed there, but if it's supported by 98, that shouldn't be an issue? I'm not sure. The only other thing I can suggest is test the compatibility settings of your .exe file. Maybe someone else who's more familiar with Macs can help.

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Good call about Win2K not officially being on the requirements. I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it, but just to be safe, I eBayed a retail, non-upgrade copy of XP. I'll report back in about a week once it gets here (it's media mail so it may take a while to arrive).

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  • 3 weeks later...

An update here.


I got the copy of XP and an external DVD drive, since I can't share a remote disc on the newest Mac OS. MVP runs fine now, although I need to figure out a keyboard combination that works for me since I only have a laptop keyboard on it!!

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