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How to use the DH online (IP 2 IP) with NL teams


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Not sure if anyone still plays this online, but I still do and it's still a great experience when dialed in properly.  With MLB changing to all DH this year for the NL as well, it made me think how to  emulate that online.  The game has a setting before you start to set up the game for online to make the DH hold for both leagues, but it doesn't hold true in IP2IP games and eventually it de-syncs and potentially crashes.  It's funny because at least one of the other settings holds true in adjusting the no. of innings to 1, 3, 5 or 7.  Go figure.


So it occurred to me that if the Astros at one time were switched to the AL and that holds up in IP2IP games, then making all the teams AL teams in the proper .dat file could work as well ... and sure enough it does.  Here's how you do it.

First export the roster for online play (we dumb down pitching control and a few other fielder attributes, otherwise we found they are soccer match scores, usually) and locate the "team.dat" file.  Open it in "WordPad" (not NotePad).



Once open, you'll notice "team league" is the 4th indicator throughout the file, with "0" being AL and "1" being NL.  




Looking down the list, you can see examples for AL and NL teams having their respective 0 and 1.





WordPad has a "replace" function toward the upper right corner.  Select that and in the "find what" box put:  
,4 1,

You need the commas to distinguish it from other areas in the file that have a "4 0" and certainly don't want to replace those as well.

In the "replace with box put:
,4 0,



It should look like  this:




After you replace all, you can simply eye-ball and see that all NL team have been switched to AL.  Remember there is no need to do this for offline as the game functions as indicated when selecting DH for both leagues:



Just simply save and re-import and re-name, if desired, to MVPedit or simply use in game.



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