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Duplicate accounts


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Lately, we have been catching a disturbing amount of duplicate accounts in here being made. Each person has had the same thing happen to them. We suspend the duplicate account permanently and we suspend the primary account for 45 days.

Now, either that is not much of a deterrant for people or it could be that they just don't care, or they think they won't get caught. I don't know the reason why. Here is the rule of this from the official forum rules:

6. Only one username per user please.

There is really no good reason to have more than one username. If you get suspended or banned for some reason and decide to just create another account please be aware that there are ways to track you by your ip address. This will result in your ip being banned from the entire site.

***Effective as of December 28th, 2004, any user caught creating a duplicate account or found to have a duplicate account will be suspended for 45 calendar days. This long ban is meant to discourage the creation of secondary accounts. If you don't have one of these, you have nothing to worry about.***

Here is the link for all the forum rules here

The entire list of usernames is now currently being looked at very carefully to spot duplicate accounts. Yes, we got a lot of names. But this is a task that has to, and will be done.

In the spirit of fairness, if someone in here that has a duplicate (or more) account that messages either MarkbtheYankee or Yankee4life about this, the account will be deleted and no further action will be taken. That is, you will not be given a 45 day ban.

However, if nothing is said to us and we find it ourselves, you will be given the 45 day ban and you will be forced to serve it with no time taken off. We consider this a serious offense and we are asking for any assistance from you on this. The choice is yours. The time away from here is something you will have to serve, not us.

For those of you who only have one account, please disregard this announcement. The staff of Mvpmods thanks you for your time.

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In case you get banned and still want to either get downloads or cause trouble.

You can still download files from the site if your account is suspended. I don't know if you can download files if you're actually banned, however. I doubt it.

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