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Jpup's Great American Ballpark Version 1


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Version 1 of Great American Ballpark has been uploaded. Any comments, suggestions, problems, etc., post them here. I hope you enjoy it. This is my first mod of any kind and I put a lot of effort into it.

I will continue work on the day version and get to the night version as well. I am going to take a few days off in the mean time. Thanks for all the help guys.

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A few things I see that could be fixed are:

The Wyler add is wrong I have pictures from the Cubs series if you need them and the Great American Ad is Blue.

The scoreboard would be a nice addition in left field.

But the add placemnet is right and the Power stacks are just perfect.

A really good start.

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A few things I see that could be fixed are:

The Wyler add is wrong I have pictures from the Cubs series if you need them and the Great American Ad is Blue.

The scoreboard would be a nice addition in left field.

But the add placemnet is right and the Power stacks are just perfect.

A really good start.

both will be fixed for the next version. i have pictures of them too. i just couldn't get the checkered flag under the wyler ad right. I will work on it.

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Excellent job, bud. Looks great. The ads look sharp... the Power Stacks... OMG... very realistic.

My observations are pretty much the same Pirate mentioned... the scoreboard location... a couple of ads here and there, etc. Overall, very, very good.

The only thing I'm changing (for personal use) is the grass (I'm going to use SerialMike's HD texture) and BoricuaPapi' sky.

Keep up the good job.



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Hey J-pup. Great Job!!! Now you have to get "un-sick" and do the Night! J/K :D

working on it. i'll see if i can get it done quicker than i first thought. like i said, I am already working on it.

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Sorry Jpup. This is non-MVP but he mentioned Dayton in his post. I would assume you are probably pretty close to me,too. It's cool to know that you guys are real, not just words on a screen.

nope, I am a long way away, down in KY

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The GABP looks incredible! Makes playing as the Reds fun again. Now I'm just waiting for the mod that will make Graves pitch like Gagne.

Anyway, I did have one question about the sign behind the plate. I have never seen that sign before; was it a temporary thing I missed, or was it kind of a "fantasy" touch that you added yourself? I was just curious...

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