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Ron Artest


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This year, we as sports fans have been subjected to the coverage of two soap opera saga. The Terrell Owens Story played out on ESPN and local news every day, sometimes interupting regular coverage. Ownes simply defined the idea of a selfish athlete, but now we have yet another act playing out before our eyes. Oddly the Ron Artest story is not garnering the coverage that TO recieved. Why? Is it because Artest isn't demanding more money? But he is a vilanous wretch, and is demanding a trade, he is as selfish as TO, so why no specials and lengthy coverage.

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#2 story on ESPN.com today.

Artest trying to make amends


Plus, he has been a lot less public than T.O. He hasn't done anything at his house worth televising.

Apparently, he has a better agent than T.O. One that demonstates better control to keep his mouth shut, and tells Artest to keep HIS mouth shut.

For the media, it's hard to feed on negative issues if nothing is on the plate.

Being from Indiana, and a Pacer fan, I would rather just see him go. He's been enough of a distraction already, and has proven himself "classless".

It really doesn't matter where players "like this" go, they are who they are.

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I think it has to do with his lack of intelligence and charisma. TO is a well spoken charismatic fellow, but Artest is as dumb as a rock. He cannot speak a complete sentence and has failed to grasp the English language. Would you rather see a dramatic movie with Denzel Washington or some eubonics speaking rapper.

Artest asking to be reincluded by his team was the 7th story on ESPN last night.

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Hmm...the Lakers would kick **** with Artest. He might be the superstar they have been looking for to complement Kobe. Imagine a Lakers team with Kobe and Artest playing tough d and forcing turnovers. Wow.

Artest in my opinion when he is not bashing cameras or starting fights with random fans in seats is one of the most hilarious characters in the present-day NBA. I remember one time he flicked off the crowd in Miami in hilarious fashion. After hitting a free throw he raised both hands in the air and flicked off the crowd in one of the most funniest "F U" statements I've seen.

Anyways he may not be in Indiana for long. Jermaine O'Neal threatened Pacers Management that it was either him or Artest. I wonder which one Pacers Management will trade.

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