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Throat problems


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I noticed about two weeks ago, on the right side of my throat, when I swallowed, it seemed to pop. Sort of like something was dislocated. If I turn my head to the right it doesn't hurt, but otherwise when I swallow it hurts. I went to the doctor and he said I don't have strep or anything. He said my throat was too dry and I had to drink more, but I don't know if that's it.

Have any of you had a similar problem? Anyone with ideas?

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I just don't get why I would have a popping sensation in my throat if it was dry. I guess it's just so dry it wont swallow smoothly. When I do drink it doesnt bother me, so I'll continue for a week or so and if it doesnt work I'll go back. The thought of waiting 3 hours for a 5 minute visit :-(.

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