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old dog, new home


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My name might throw some of you off but it's pronounced:

"caged animal"

Anyways, new to the forums but not new to forums in general. Pretty down to earth and have a great sense of humor so poke away.

I frequent the following boards, in order:

MaddenMania (FSU Cowboy)

Football-Freaks (Kaygd Animal)

OperationSports (FSU_Animal)

MaddenNation (PowerNoles06)

** I can never seem to stick to one name for some reason. Been trying to use kaygdanimal everywhere but I try to use a name based on why I visit that board. I really don't want to bother the other board mods to get my name changed so hence the reason why the other names are being used.

I frequent MM a lot more than anywhere but read the other boards on a daily basis. I'm into programming, web developing, and graphic design as well as your usual sports gaming but have a fond interest in war games based on the wars of old (WWII, WW I, Vietnam, etc) but none about the new age wars.

Found out about this place thanks to bigddd over at MaddenMania. I was a member of MVPMania when it first started up but lost interest and soon stopped going because my passion is football and basketball so do not be suprised if I'm not a frequent poster. I try to be as I love to partake in all sorts of discussions but I've been at MM since 2002 and I tend to stay in one place more than others.

HOWEVER, being that I own and have yet to install MVP 2005 PC version thanks in large part to not ever having sliders, updated rosters, or the skill at playing the game, I might have just found my new watering hole for this game. I'll definatly be in and out and possibly posting more than I normally do at new places because I've been patiently waiting for a place like this one that actually talks MVP 2005.

So without furthur ado, I bid you farewell and here's to hoping I see you around. Thanks for having me.

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I frequent the following boards, in order:

Football-Freaks (Kaygd Animal)

Hey man, i belong there to, Montana16, anyways welcome to the site man, What im about to tell you will be your key to not getting kicked out.

1. Read the Forum Rules (You didnt break any just advice)

2. Use the search bar ( you will get a better response from people if you use this)

3. Get the 06 mod ( This is the mod to have for this game...)

4. Get to know a lot of the modders... (Totte- The Roster Guy)

5. Have Fun... This site is adicting.

Welcome Man

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Welcome to the club, you are never going to get off it! Download my mod :lol: people like it, I'm sure you will too, better then the stock file. More cliched schtik to come, so I will just ignore that. It's called Ron Mexico's Progression Mod, and most of all, have fun on this site.

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