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Trade Advice plz


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Ive been away for a long, long time, but after one Saturday afternoon with nothing to do, Im back and all over MVP 2005 again :D

Anyways, what I need help with is from the seasoned dynasty or owner mode player about trading players, who just dont seem to click in your team. We've all had this, good or even great players who you just cant play with, they dont fit your style of play.

Well Im still in my Brewers dynasty, and I need to dump RP Francisco Cordero (who has 3 yrs left in his contract), and Corey Koskie (2 yrs left). Together their salaries total just under $10 million and these guys are awful.


+12.00 ERA in 21 IP and has allowed 9 HR's

Koskie is hitting .187 in 70+ AB, and a horrible OBP, which I hold in the highest of regards (thanx to "Moneyball").

I know no team will pick them up together, but even individually I cant trade them, and Im not all that shocked either, their in a massive slump.

So knowing that no team wants them as of now, I sent them both down to Triple-A ball hoping they will boost their stats and make them more appealing.

The way I see it, most teams would rather get a a proven Major Leaguer who is tearing up Triple-A, rather than a player who cant seem to do anything right in the pros.

Is this logical? And based on the programming on MVP, would teams go for this concept???

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Not logical, IMO, and no team would go for that concept because the game is a game and is not programmed to think.

I know what I'd do if I were you.

Trade both guys for mid level prospects in AA or whatever. Use Tywiggins program to to change the organization's budgets so that it shows you paying a major portion of those salaries while you get prospects in return. Dump and run.

Another option, which seems more realistic, is wait for them to start doing better then do what I said. That would be more realistic.



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Someone needs to develop a patch that gives teams realistic GM qualities :p

Im not that fond of adding on anymore stuff to the game, simply because this is my 3rd time around with this dynasty, I had to re-start it twice because of patch problems and what not. So i prefer to keep the game more or less pure.

I have tried your first option, but its a matter of teams dont want to pay that much for players who are in such a huge downward spin as of now.

And just a question to your last option, about waiting for them to turn it around, which now seems like my only option. Do I wait for them to pick it up in Triple-A or the bigs? Because they do a lot, a lot, of damage to my team as a whole in the bigs.

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trade cordero for a AAA batter. and Koskie for a AAA pitcher.

Ive pretty much given up on getting back "equal value". In all seriousness, I went to the worst team in MLB with the highest payroll, offered Cordero and Koskie individually, then together, for abolsutely nothing, and was still rejected.

So I guess I should give them two or three weeks in the minors for them to shape up, and even if they do, I really dont want them back on my big league roster.

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release them. or drive them out into the middle of nowhere and kill them.

lmao! Seriously I was thinking of it before, btu wanted to stay on topic.

There is a bad side, and a good one to your suggestion.

BAD SIDE: With their contracts totalling about $10 million, I would be losing about $4.5 million in penalties by releasing them.

GOOD SIDE: Killing them (in a remote area of course, prob. like in "Alpha Dog" which I'm ebarassed to say I saw, where they kill the kid at the end, in the hills of LA) would infact be cheaper than releasing them. Unfortunately, TyWiggins hasnt developed a patch yet allowing GM's to rub out un-needed, overpaid players.

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Well I havent tried trading within my division (NL Central). First because Im totally against it, seeing as youre setting yourself up to be screwed, and second, its just too tight a division in my current season.

I cant really afford to take the risk of giving a team thats only 3 or 4 games back of me that stud closer they need to catch up to me.

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I know that he isnt a "stud" now, but its Francisco Cordero, and I have faced him before when he is controlled by the computer, and its a pain in the a$$ to hit em. I dont want to go through that ordeal of trying to tie the game up against him int he ninth 10 or 12 times a yr.

Also Ive dodged trading him to teams who I think could pose as threats in the NL (Dodgers, Mets, Cardinals even though they are last in my division as of now).

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cut both players and see how much that would cost you in penalties. You should strongly consider trading them and then sending a large portion of your $ to pay for their contracts, so that you are not paying all of their contract and you get prospects in return. You wouldn't be adding anything to your game. It is a seperate program that runs while you have your dynasty open. Simply minimize your game, double click on the program, and get to work. You'll be VERY happy you did.

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Try trading one or both players with a marginally appealing minor leaguer for someone with a matching salary and fewer years. In my experience, they don't seem to care about how many years are left on a deal, but they rarely, if ever, will take on salary in a deal. Still, it's at least possible to trade for useful parts. The computer will evaluate them solely on their attributes, so it won't be too hard to dump them for someone else.

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Well after much, searching, Ive found only one Major League reliever which Im taken with, Nationals reliever (playing in Triple-A) Luis Ayala, but no dice.

Nationals only have $300k in the bank and cant afford Cordero or Koskie, as well as one of my top pitching prospects who I am looking to deal, Ben Hendrickson, because he doesnt fit my system, and because he wants a 170% increase in salary at the end of this season, which I can afford, but wont give him.

So it looks like I got no choice but to wait it out a few weeks, see what the market offers me, as more and more players will be placed on the trading block, meaning teams are desperate to sell them off.

I appreciate the tip on paying part of their salary, which I thoroughly looked into, but decided against it. Trading these guys is more about breaking off all ties with them, off my team and off my books.

I will continue to keep you all posted on what happens, and thanks a lot for all the helpful suggestions, especially the one about killing them off :p

In the meantime, if anyone wants to help me with this at all, I am looking for a decent, but with potential Double-A infielder, or a top "A" ball prospect, any suggestions are welcomed. Thanks

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Honestly the computer's "fair trade" option is broken (For one, it puts too much emphasize on an equal salary. Also all it pays attention to is the overall rating of the player, and it's easy to make un-fair trades that the computer calls fair), and it's actually more 'fair' to turn it off and make trades that you find fair (without making any bias towards your team). And if you want to be even more fair, what Uncle Mo is talking about is what normally goes on in the big leagues to even out trades.

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