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Can we turn 2K7 into MVP by changing sliders + options?


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I'm trying to figure out how to *fix* 2k7 by making it act more like MVP. I just adore the style of play that MVP had, even if it was a little arcade-ish.

One thing I've done so far is speed up the outfielders and infielders, turn off any fielding aid, increase the batting zoom, turn on the strike zone box, turn on classic swing (of course), increase batting contact.

And I really want to continue with changing more sliders. But I'm not an expert at this, so somebody jump in!

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As Big Jay said, there's no reason not to play both.

I play mvp on the pc and 2k7 on the 360. No matter how hard you try I don't you can make 2k7 "feel" like mvp as you say. Each game has its style, and 2k7 is a very solid game in its right, IMO.

Btw, this year's 2k7 is closer to MVP than ever and apparently it's moving in that direction for the next 2 insallments, thanks to the ex-producer from MVP moving to 2ksports.

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MVP is fading fast, I need something new.

What do you mean its "fading fast"? I have 2K7 altough some things can be better, I still find it to be a pretty decent game but to say MVP 2005/ 07 mod is "fading fast" isnt really fair now is it, since I been and I think everyone one else around here has been playing it for around two years now. Oh! and check out how many members are registered to this site.

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