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Braves Dynasty Question??


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Hey guys, I've been wondering has anyone that has played a dynasty

with the braves (UncleMo) ever had any luck dumping Hampton off to

anyone? His contract is so fat he's a killer on the budget?

I've never thought about asking in the forums before. Kind of strange

I should have asked this a long time ago. I have had Hampton on the

trading block before with no takers..Is there any team I can trade him

to, so that I can free up some money?

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I didn't know you could re-construct contracts? Thanks for the advice!

Also Medric I have tried trading him all over, his contract is 14mil. I

just was seeing if anyone knew of anyone or thing that would work to

dump that money. Thanks guys!

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I was able to trade Aramis Ramirez and Ted Lilly to the Yankees for A-Rod and a Top 100 Prospet A RF with fair trades and budget on. I dumped two big contracts that I did not want on my team for a HOF SS (I moved him back to his orginal position; converted Murton to 3B) and a RF prospect that I hope makes it to the Bigs in 3 years. I was actually impressed.

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I also traded Jaque Jones and Wade Miller to the Rangers for Sammy Sosa and Kenny Lofton. Later I traded Daryl Ward to the White Sox for Podsednik. These moves allowed me to get Soriano out of CF (he has no place being there) and move him to LF, put Pods as my starting CF, and put Sammy as my RF. Sammy should retire a Cub even though his sucess was a product from Roids.

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