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Doing a dynasty with a friend on PC


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I searched for this both on the forums and on google but I couldn't find anything.

Is there a way (trick or a mod) to do a 2-user dynasty on PC? It only lets you choose one team when you do a dynasty unlike console sports game where you can choose multiple teams for users to control. Is there anyone around this so that you can do a dynasty with a friend?


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The only thing that I know of that you could do would be to use the Team Changer Mod, and constantly switch back and forth between the two (or more) teams that you want to control. If/when you play each other, obviously, you would just change the control from CPU to a User.

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That's exactly what I do (to edit lineups, etc) -- sometimes it doesn't work though, if both teams have the last few games scheduled (no minor league affiliates playing after the major league teams). It'll automatically advance after the first team played.

It hard to explain, and it can be tricky. But I'll try.

Lets say, you have Team A and Team B

Each play seperate games at different times, what will happen is Team A will be able to play, but Team B won't in some cases.

For example, Team A plays game (a 730pm game), then use TeamChanger to become Team B (10pm game), the dynasty will automatically advance to the next day if Team A doesn't have one of its minor league affilaites playing at a later time (which in case they never do, because on default schedule are minor league games are played by 7-730pm start time.

However, in most cases, Team A and Team B will be able to play if one (or both) of their games are before 7-730pm, because, if you notice the Triple-A Team are scheduled for 730 pm start times (default schedule), therefore their is another affiliate playing after the major league teams.

I'm not totally sure why this happens, but it's something I notice while changing team alot during my dynasties.

Best case senario is both players pick an East Coast (tend to be earlier times).

Also, another trick I learned is by looking at the schedule. Lets say Team A and Team B are playing at 330 and 10pm respectively. Normally, if you use TeamChanger for Team B it'll automatically advance to the next day (simulating Team B's game), if Team A doesn't have a minor league affiliate playing after it.

However, if you look at the schedule you might be able to TeamChange, after Team A plays, to a third team (Team C) that has a game in between A and B. Once you TeamChange to Team C, then immediately TeamChange to Team B. Note: It could be an affiliate of Team C that has the game in between A and B, as long as Team C's major league team hasn't played yet.

Confusing? Yes!!!!!

but trust me I did this alot and after alot of trial and error I've got this down pat.

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Y4L - Yes it is, but its kind of second nature to me now, so it isn't that much of hassle, because I do it so often.

Again, it would be so much easier if I could show how I do this.

CJTako - for the most part (in the pre-7/730 case--I forget the exact time the AAA games are) you will be able to play all games, except when minor league teams have the day off (which are rare).

Plus if you introduce the Team C as an "middle-man" to get to that second team, you'll be able to do a good portion after that time. I'd say atleast 85-90% games could be played for both teams. If you do it right it might be a little more than that. It could be more, I know I played almost every Cardinal game.

I've never really calculated the exact %, but 3 of my friends have done it before and it seemed we played about that much (plus a good % of the minor league games). We were Cardinals, Red Sox and Yankees.

Note: When you switch to Team C, you must go back into the Game, then exit to windows and redo TeamChanger for Team B.

Recommendation: If you try this, make sure you save twice once before you start the day, once after the first game (differet file name). That way if you make a mistake you can go back to the first save (and only lose that one game)

I'd say just play around with it and you'll figure out a pattern.

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