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Yankee Stadium-CAS (Create A Stadium)


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Again...I didn't post the name of this website at MLBmods because some websites discourage it. I always like to err on the side of caution. If you look at the number of mods and forum posts at the other site compared to here, it's pretty obvious the other site is having a hard time staying afloat. I'd hate to see it go under. Better to have two locations for MVP stuff than just one. ;)

You're so full of you-know-what that I can smell it from here. As soon as you finished complaining about the 1961 mod you ran over there and found yourself a new home. Your choice. And then you started this "other website" crap and appointed yourself ambassador of the banned. They wanted files from here but they can't get them because the guy that wanted them didn't mention that he made four accounts here.

And then you tell me that from now on you are going to be posting and staying at Mlbmods because this website has too much of an "elitist attitude over there to ever get me to post there again." Well something must have happened because you came back and posted again.

You also said that you liked it there at Mlbmods because "people are friendly and helpful and like open comments and discussions." Well it is like this on this site too unless you go around attacking a mod like you did and the guy that created it like he was some stupid idiot that didn't know what he was doing.

So, I'll tell you what. I have thought long and hard about this and I don't want you to rub elbows anymore with these elitists around here. Heavens no. Stay there and have discussions with people that try to install a stadium using the TiT program. Wait, that was you. Maybe you and all the other banned guys there can form a club or something. Edoardo17 and MysteriousGuy. And you. Because you just joined that little group.

Bye Deputy.

PS: Sorry Homer that we dumped another one on you. You are a great guy and you don't deserve this.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Guys,

Yeah I know using these "owner mode" stadiums are a different animal. Yes, I've found that you cannot simply re-name the stadiums...you get all kinds of weird stuff happenning (like no crowds). You have to keep them as the original stadium names. If you want to play in them...simply go into Owner Mode and create a profile. When you want to play in the stadium:

Select the "Create a Ballpark" from the stadium select screen and then choose the name of the profile you created in Owner Mode. In order to access all of the features of the stadium; you may need to "max out" the ballpark features. If you don't have enough money just follow this:

I find Owner Mode too hard because I never have enough money. Is there any way to increase the size of my in-game wallet?

Yes, you can use a program named ArtMoney, which you can download from here. If you have any questions regarding the use of this software, please contact the author of the program.

Again, I know Owner mode is quirky...but after a few extra steps you'll be on your way. Hope this helps.


Thanks for the work on these CAS stadiums. However, I'm having a heck of a time trying to use ArtMoney. I've looked and looked around for answers regarding this program or money changer from Ty but most of the threads that linked to either of these programs lead back to Home page.

I've started a profile in Owner Mode and all I need to do now is get the stadium upgrades maxed out.

Any help would be appreciated...either a tutorial on ArtMoney or link to Ty's money changer that I simply can't find.

Thanks guys!

****Nevermind guys...found tywiggins tools attached in an older thread from Maestro.***

Nothing like speding hours in a morning trying to get something accomplished...hehe.

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