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I Would Like To Do An Editor Programm For Mlb 2K11


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Hi everyone,

I would like to have some help because I want to do an editor programm for MLB 2K11. This editor would be to change some things in the Franchise mode (like the difficulty sliders or the schedule). So I would like to have some advices for try to do this program (like what programm I must to use for this work).

Thank you,


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I guess you can't look very well because there already is one for 2k11 and it was made by someone named tywiggins. Take a look on the main page on the left side.

The Tywiggins program is only for modifiate the roster and the uniforms. It's a very nice editor programm but I would like to have a program will be like HH2K4Edit on High Heat Baseball 2004.

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