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MLB 2K19?


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also if a person mounts a job is for others to download it, I think it's the theme if I'm not wrong. Now if you are going to make or use a work of another person there is where you should ask for permission to use it or minimum place it in the credits. and I have not yet mounted anything from anyone as I said before I used it for my personal use of my game and just wanted others to see it and clarify that the logo does not belong to me and who is the creator. I think that so far I have not broken any rules. I think it was you who blew up this issue...


ademas si una persona monta un trabajo es para que los demas lo descarguen, creo que es la tematica si no me equivoco. ahora tu si vas hacer o usar un trabajo de otra persona hay es donde debes pedir permiso para usarla o minimo colocarlo en los creditos. y yo hasta ahora no he montado nada de nadie como dije antes lo use para mi uso personal de mi juego y solo queria que los demas lo vieran y aclare que el logo no me pertenesia y coloque quien es el creador. creo que hasta ahora no he roto ninguna regla. creo que fue usted el que hizo explotar este tema deberia pensar bien hantes de actuar............

6 minutes ago, Yankee4Life said:

English only.

All you -or anybody- needs to do when they want to use another person's mod is ask. That is how it has been here since the site began.

I'm sorry I'm Latino and I'm proud of that I speak Spanish and I'm not going to change my language just because you discriminate against Latinos I'm also placing it in English too, this translator will not be good but if you do not like my translator google


pues lo siento soy latino y me enorgullezco de eso hablo español y no voy a cambiar mi idioma solo porque usted discrimina a los latinos ademas estoy colocandolo en ingles tambien, no sera bueno este traductor pero si no le gusta mi traductor culpe a google

read ........


also if a person mounts a job is for others to download it, I think it's the theme if I'm not wrong. Now if you are going to make or use a work of another person there is where you should ask for permission to use it or minimum place it in the credits. and I have not yet mounted anything from anyone as I said before I used it for my personal use of my game and just wanted others to see it and clarify that the logo does not belong to me and who is the creator. I think that so far I have not broken any rules. I think it was you who blew up this issue...

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2 minutes ago, guaro1379 said:

also if a person mounts a job is for others to download it, I think it's the theme if I'm not wrong. Now if you are going to make or use a work of another person there is where you should ask for permission to use it or minimum place it in the credits. and I have not yet mounted anything from anyone as I said before I used it for my personal use of my game and just wanted others to see it and clarify that the logo does not belong to me and who is the creator. I think that so far I have not broken any rules. I think it was you who blew up this issue...




Not even close. Here is what I see is the problem.


1. Language barrier. Again.  When I told you if you had asked Andy if you could use his stuff you did NOT tell me this. All you said was you made this "at dawn."

2. And because you didn't understand what I meant you had to back yourself in a corner and say insulting things to me.


You need to think before you post.  When do I complain about your work? Do I put it down? Do I discourage you from making your mods here? No. I treat you like all other modder. I stay out of your way.

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you treat users very badly should think well before placing a stupid against users. my god in mvp caribe if we have respect for all users and we give the respect they deserve and if they do something against the rules you are notified with due respect. what difference between your attitude and those who have respect for people


usted trata muy mal a los usuarios deberia pensar bien antes de colocar una estupides contra los usuarios. dios mio en mvp caribe si tenemos respeto por todos los usuarios y le damos el respeto que se merecen y si hacen algo en contra de las reglas se le notifica con el debido respeto. que diferencia entre su actitud y los que tenemos respetos por las personas 

I knew I wanted to ride my full mods of MLB 2K19 and WBC 17 but I think you hurt that possibility good afternoon



sabe que tenia ganas de montar mis mod completos de MLB 2K19 y de WBC 17 pero creo que usted daño esa posibilidad buenas tardes


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16 minutes ago, guaro1379 said:

I'm sorry I'm Latino and I'm proud of that I speak Spanish and I'm not going to change my language just because you discriminate against Latinos I'm also placing it in English too, this translator will not be good but if you do not like my translator google




That is fine if you are Latino. I am not saying anything about that nor will I. But you have to speak English here. If you don't believe me just take a glance at the rules.


We are aware that the MVPMods community is culturally diverse, however this is an English speaking site, thus all public posts must be in English. If you'd like to chat to fellow community members in a language other than English, please use the private messaging system.


8 minutes ago, guaro1379 said:

you treat users very badly should think well before placing a stupid against users. my god in mvp caribe if we have respect for all users and we give the respect they deserve and if they do something against the rules you are notified with due respect. what difference between your attitude and those who have respect for people



It is typical of people that when there is nothing else to add to their argument they have to lash out.

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Well, I do not blame the language barrier. What is very clear is that you wanted to leave us wrong. because otherwise it is so, because you placed a link with a post where you said that everything we do is steal ideas. Now think well what you're going to tell me because you put that on.


pues no culpo a las barrera del idioma lo que esta bien claro es que querias dejarnos mal. porque sino es asi, porque colocastes un link con un pos donde decias que todo lo que hacemos nosotros es robar ideas. ahora piensa bien lo que vas a decirme porque colocastes eso.

I have not broken the rules I put what I write in both Spanish and English


no las he roto las reglas coloco lo que escribo en los dos idiomas español y ingles

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2 minutes ago, guaro1379 said:

Well, I do not blame the language barrier. What is very clear is that you wanted to leave us wrong. because otherwise it is so, because you placed a link with a post where you said that everything we do is steal ideas. Now think well what you're going to tell me because you put that on.



Well yeah, that's what happened. I proved that the mod that was made at that time was a direct take off on the Mvp 2008 mod and we all know that EAmods made that one.  So quit when you are behind. I suggest you now just concentrate on this 2k19 mod.

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well in this case I place in both languages. first because the creator of the post wrote me in Spanish however I wrote him in both languages so that if another user who does not know English could read it. I think I have not broken any rules now that I can wait, I did not answer what I asked. BECAUSE YOU COLOCASTES THAT LINK THAT DECIDES THAT WE STEAL IDEAS AND WORK OF OTHERS.


bueno en este caso yo coloco en los dos idiomas. primero porque el creador del pos me escribio en español sin embargo le escribi en los dos idiomas para que si otro usuario que no conoce del ingles lo pudiera leer. creo que todavia no he roto ninguna regla ahora que mas puedo esperar, no me respondistes lo que te pregunte. PORQUE COLOCASTES ESE LINK QUE DECIA QUE NOSOTROS ROBAMOS IDEAS Y TRABAJO DE LOS DEMAS.

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3 hours ago, Yankee4Life said:


As I told you this is not the first time this has been done by these guys. It's always the same story when they are caught doing this. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it....I didn't think to ask....I didn't think you would mind," etc, etc.  Take a look at this thread and let me know if you see any similarities with what happened here with you. This thread is six years old but you will notice that nothing has changed.

jejejeje ,recuerdo ese juego ,fue tan impresionante que a este tipo le dolio en lo mas profundo de su corazon



jejejeje ,I remember that game, it was so impressive that this guy hurt in the deepest part of his heart





su actitud le costó ser administrador ,quizas le cueste ser boqueado de esta pagina


his attitude cost him to be an administrator, maybe it will cost him to be blocked from this page

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Yes, of course, forget it and now let's focus on 2K19, of course, it's easy. Well, I'm still waiting for the answer, Mr. Yankee4life. because I put that link he wanted to accuse us as he did.


si, claro olvidalo y ahora enfoquemosno en 2K 19 claro que facil. bueno sigo esperando la respuesta señor yankee4life. porque coloco ese link que buscaba con acusarnos como lo hizo.

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1 hour ago, guaro1379 said:

well in this case I place in both languages. first because the creator of the post wrote me in Spanish however I wrote him in both languages so that if another user who does not know English could read it. I think I have not broken any rules now that I can wait, I did not answer what I asked. BECAUSE YOU COLOCASTES THAT LINK THAT DECIDES THAT WE STEAL IDEAS AND WORK OF OTHERS.



1 hour ago, jeferomer said:

jejejeje ,I remember that game, it was so impressive that this guy hurt in the deepest part of his heart


Um, explain that again? Wait, never mind. I think this has gone far enough.


For those who understand English well they should see that I was not attacking any of the Latino modders for being well, Latino. There is no room here on this website for attitudes like that and that includes myself. Two of the top cyberface guys are Latino (Jed and Jeferomer) and one of my favorite stadium modders is too (Salva) as well as Umachines who creates fantastic uniforms. I can go on.


But at the same time there are many examples over the years of the  take-now-ask-never approach some people at Caribe take when they make their mods and to be fair and honest here it would not be accurate at all to say that the Latino guys are the only ones who do this. For example how about some of the Korean websites that take our modders work? That's what I mean. And there have been people here that are guilty of this too.


This thread has gone off the rails a bit and it is my hope that it can continue in a new thread with more mods being announced for 2k19.

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