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MLB 2K19?


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9 minutes ago, Yankee4Life said:


The answer is still no but you are encouraged to create the MLB 2k19 mod yourself and upload it to the website.

It was just a question, okay, I will not create the 2K19 but the 2K30 and I will upload it to this same page. Lol

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el logo de 2k 19 no es mio, es de andygev35 un usuario de aqui, me tome la libertad de tomarlo se ve que hizo un buen trabajo.



the logo of 2k 19 is not mine, it is from andygev35 a user here, I take the liberty to take it you see that it did a good job.

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Ok guaro1379 you have been here on this website for over nine years now. You know how things work. You ask someone if you can use their mods. You do not take and then say thank you when it's done. I hope this is the last time I have to write this and if there is any other modder who has had their work borrowed without their consent please let me know.


Have a good day now!

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If I know, I admit that I did not do it, but I had to do it today, as everyone knows I always do, I ask everyone for permission before using something of their creation, only that I made that image at dawn and went to sleep I expected to do today in what I had time.


si lo se, admito que no lo hice, pero lo hiba hacer hoy, como todos saben yo siempre lo hago, le pido permiso a todos antes de usar algo de su creacion, solo que esa imagen la hice en la madrugada y me fui a dormir esperaba hacerlo hoy en lo que tubiera tiempo 



46 minutes ago, andygev35 said:

No me importa que use mis logotipos, pero estoy seguro de que aprecio la cortesía y la decencia de preguntar de antemano.

thank you for your kindness brother and I take the opportunity to congratulate you for the good work I liked your logo.


gracias por tu amabilidad hermano y aprovecho la ocacion para felicitarte por el buen trabajo me gusto tu logo.

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9 minutes ago, guaro1379 said:

If I know, I admit that I did not do it, but I had to do it today, as everyone knows I always do, I ask everyone for permission before using something of their creation, only that I made that image at dawn and went to sleep I expected to do today in what I had time.




This makes no sense.


Why did you have to do it today? You couldn't wait until some time this week when you would have had the chance to ask him?

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hahahahahaha No, unfortunately when I have ideas I do them at the moment, the good thing is that the friend does not bother him, I know the laws and respect them. but still trust that the owner of the image would not be bothered to use it, I would ask it anyway if not, I had not commented to the creator of the pos that the logo is not mine but of the friend andygev35


jajajajaaja. no, lamentablemente cuando tengo ideas los hago en el momento, lo bueno es que el amigo no le molesto, yo se las leyes y las respeto. pero igual confie en que el dueño de la imagen no se molestaria por usarlo, yo igual se lo pediria si no, no hubiera comentado al creador del pos que el logo no es mio si no del amigo andygev35

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On 5/26/2019 at 12:23 PM, guaro1379 said:

the good thing is that the friend does not bother him, I know the laws and respect them.

It doesn’t bother me to give permission for someone to use my work.  The key here is that me giving permission requires asking before using.  Using before having permission to do so and then trying to excuse your way out of your transgressions by assuming that I wouldn’t have minded is quite frankly insulting.

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52 minutes ago, andygev35 said:

It doesn’t bother me to give permission for someone to use my work.  The key here is that me giving permission requires asking before using.  Using before having permission to do so and then trying to excuse your way out of your transgressions by assuming that I wouldn’t have minded is quite frankly insulting.


As I told you this is not the first time this has been done by these guys. It's always the same story when they are caught doing this. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it....I didn't think to ask....I didn't think you would mind," etc, etc.  Take a look at this thread and let me know if you see any similarities with what happened here with you. This thread is six years old but you will notice that nothing has changed.

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1 hour ago, Yankee4Life said:


As I told you this is not the first time this has been done by these guys. It's always the same story when they are caught doing this. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it....I didn't think to ask....I didn't think you would mind," etc, etc.  Take a look at this thread and let me know if you see any similarities with what happened here with you. This thread is six years old but you will notice that nothing has changed.

So basically all his work is stolen? And I all I was requesting was he use my custom created 2k19 logo in the start screen and send it to me. But he doesn't even have the rights to the work.

Didn't know that, also saw the link about Jerofermer or whatever his name is, ididn't know all his content was stolen too.... shocked!

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2 hours ago, andygev35 said:

No me molesta dar permiso para que alguien use mi trabajo. La clave aquí es que dar permiso requiere  preguntar antes de usar.  Usar antes de tener permiso para hacerlo y luego tratar de excusarme para salir de tus transgresiones asumiendo que no me habría importado es francamente insultante.

ok I explain, first the logo got it in google, then it was that I realized that it was a user of this page I investigated to ask permission and as I said before was in the early morning and wait to do the next day but I found this news that Yankee had placed in the post and take the opportunity to say it. second I have not set anything up with your work so that someone will download it and less on this page. I did it as something personal for my game and I wanted them to see it and affirm that your logo was not mine and put your name so they knew who it was. third if you felt offended apologize was not my intention. fourth I think they are giving more importance than it deserves. and finally I recommend you to be more humble if you know what I mean, this would have ended long ago. I tell you that I do not use your logo for anything this morning I edit it. happy afternoon to all.


ok te explico, primero el logo lo consegui en google, despues fue que me di cuenta que era de un usuario de esta pagina he investigue para pedir permiso y como dije antes fue en la madrugada y espere para hacerlo al dia siguiente pero me encontre con esta noticia que yankee habia colocado en el pos y aproveche a decirlo. segundo yo no he montado nada con tu trabajo para que alguien lo baje y menos en esta pagina. lo hice como algo personal para mi juego y quice que lo vieran y afirme que tu logo no era mio y coloque tu nombre para que supieran quien fue. tercero si te sentistes ofendido disculpame no fue mi intencion. cuarto creo que les estan dando mas importancia de lo que se merece. y por ultimo te recomiendo ser mas humilde si sabes a lo que me refiero esto ya hubiera terminado hace tiempo. te digo que no utilizo tu logo para nada esta mañana lo edite. feliz tarde a todos.

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1 hour ago, Yankee4Life said:


Como les dije, esta no es la primera vez que estos muchachos lo hacen. Siempre es la misma historia cuando están atrapados haciendo esto. "Lo siento, no quise decirlo ... No pensé en preguntar ... No pensé que te importaría," etc., etc. Mira este hilo y déjame Sepa si ve alguna similitud con lo que sucedió aquí con usted. Este hilo tiene seis años, pero te darás cuenta de que nada ha cambiado.

sorry I thought you had changed that attitude that I take from the administration of this page you know that I have not stolen anything from anyone and all this is innesesario, I can tell you that lack of respect makes your presence on this page all the latin people that we make life here ..... I think that's why they got it out of the administration, well I give up this stupid topic and I already explained my position .....


que lastimo pense que usted habia cambiado esa actitud que lo saco de la administracion de esta pagina usted sabe que yo no he robado nada de nadie y todo esto es innesesario, que le puedo decir que falta de respeto le hace su presencia en esta pagina a todas las personas latinas que hacemos vida aqui..... creo que por eso lo sacaron de la administracion bueno yo doy por terminada esta estupides de tema ya expuse mi posicion.....

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14 minutes ago, guaro1379 said:

sorry I thought you had changed that attitude that I take from the administration of this page you know that I have not stolen anything from anyone and all this is innesesario, I can tell you that lack of respect makes your presence on this page all the latin people that we make life here ..... I think that's why they got it out of the administration, well I give up this stupid topic and I already explained my position .....



Lack of respect? I was the first one here to promote the Mvp Caribe series that started under HFLR's leadership back in 2007. Hector and I promoted the hell out of those mods here on this site year after year until he left.  That being said you can not tell me that the people who made season mods over at Mvp Caribe over the years never once asked the modders here for permission to use their work. If you had you would have received it. For some reason the creators of the season mods over there do not think it is necessary to ask.  I look out for the modders here on Mvpmods.

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I agree to ask permission to use a work of another person and that is the norm, what bothers me is everything that you have drawn against us is necessary all this, I say a good administrator governs you by mediating and searching the tranquility of the users does not do all this clowning in order to make a scandal. I think you're missing a lot and that's why you're the most hated person on this page. I think I know why.


yo estoy deacuerdo en pedir permiso para usar un trabajo de otra persona y  esa es la norma, lo que me molesta es todo lo que usted ha sacado en contra de nosotros es necesario todo esto, le digo un buen administrador te rige por mediar y buscar la tranquilidad de los usuarios no hace todo esta payasada con el fin de hacer un escandalo. creo que te falta mucho y por eso eres la persona mas odiada de esta pagina creeme se por que lo digo.

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