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Adding new teams


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Hi, I like to asked how to add a new team or teams from the last day of World Series - something like a expansion.   Do I just turn on say Florida and Col, make a new season and play from there, what about roster too?  From the main mvp 2005 files those team exist, so just have turn on right?   Sorry I new to this, I was a xbox owner of this game but wanted this game on pc so I can mod this game.   Please let me know and thanks for help.


PS:  What to start a new Dynasty Mode or Owner mod that start in 1994 (strike year), then add new teams etc

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Hi, sorry I abit excited getting this game again, had it on xbox but wanted to get on pc to mod it.   What is this tool add teams and change the playoffs, I really like to know?   Does each team have a code to change so you can add that team in new season?   Please let me know and thanks for your help

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