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Military sends out Unequipped soldiers!!!!!!

Guest JWClubbie

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Guest JWClubbie

Syriana. What do you mean. Well, I am a young american. The perception is we are their for what reason? Oil, the black slimy stuff that kills birds and animals in oil spills and runs our engines, machinery. We have got Fathers, Mothers, Sons, Grandsons, Sisters, Bthers, GF, BF, Just American people dying for Oil. These people are risking their lives for what, Foreign interest? Our government has no clue as to what they are doing in Iraq. I hope not another soul is lost in Iraq.

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Guest JWClubbie

I guess they weighted the cost of the armor VS how much it costs to train a replacement soldier and went with the lower number

Isn't that the truth.

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I don't know why we have to send people to war. Why can't we send robots. Im serious, why not? With all the technology today, is it not possible to build a robot maybe 2 or 3 feet tall equipped with two machine guns that can be remote controlled? Seriously it would be safer for everyone. It could go on missions humans wouldn't dare to go, or missions that are impossible for humand. And why not make it out of bullet proof material. They have trucks like that.

Seriously, if you can send a rover to Mars, make it take rock samples, and succesfully land it home, I think you can build a bullet proof robot with a machine gun and some grenades. Then all humans would have to do is go in for a cleanup mission. Just exterminate what's left. Sure cleanup missions are still dangerous, but you will have less casualties.

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I don't know why we have to send people to war. Why can't we send robots. Im serious, why not? With all the technology today, is it not possible to build a robot maybe 2 or 3 feet tall equipped with two machine guns that can be remote controlled?

Because anything 2 or 3 feet tall wouldn't be heavy enough to carry 2 machine guns without toppling over unless it was weighted rather heavily, in which case it would move so slowly that it would be shot or blown up before it even gets a shot off.

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