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Royal Blues' uniform WIP's

Royal Blues

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Wow, things sure do look different here. If anybody's noticed, I've been away from the game for awhile. I've gotten married, had a honeymoon to the Caribbean and moved, along with making strides to get into management at my job.

Anyway, onward to the task at hand. I've decided to pick up where I left off in my Minor League project that bully and I were somewhat working on together a few months back. I'm currently doing the Sacramento RiverCats (one step closer to finishing off the AAA PCL...screens are coming soon) and the Inland Empire 66'ers, shown here:



I'm mighty proud of that manager's jacket.

I believe all I have left for the 66ers is fixing the fonts/numbers, picking my favorite Spungo accessories and decide on two alt unis.

Whatcha guys think so far?

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Buttons buttons buttons! Add new buttons and I'd give those uniforms an A-plus. The shadowing on the chest script is my favorite part.

Since you've been gone I've released a giant accessories pack, so make sure you choose junk from there and not my older releases.

Glad to have you back finally, maybe we can get a joint Royals project started or something...

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@Raptor: thanks man...I think the jacket is definitely the strongest part of this pack. And yeah, I saw that helmet logo as I was taking screenshots...consider it taken care of.

@bully: thanks bro, it's really good to be back.

@spungo: I downloaded that the second I saw it...I'll definitely be getting much use out of it. As far as buttons, you know I've got buttons (if you remember my previous releases)...I just need to get around to getting them in. Looks like I need to make some up for the merf file too.

As far as a joint project, I'm definitely down with that. I'm really excited about this imposter Home Office we've got working now. Just let me know whenever you get some brainstorms.

Another thing I would really, really like is a catcher's helmet template in 2x. I've tried my own with very mixed results. Maybe someone can help me talk KC into whipping one up?

On another note, how many releases do I need to have before I get that nifty "Modder" tag beneath my name :lol:

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Alright, we've got buttons, accessories and a fixed helmet logo. Check it out in Announcements.

Now, all I finished were the home and road versions, because I had a thought: if nobody is opposed, I think I'd rather get out home and road versions for every team ASAP (at least as many as possible for the beta release of MVP '07), then go back and do alternates/bps for the teams I can find good reference for.

That being said, here are a couple WIP shots of the Sacramento RiverCats' home uniform:


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