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Baseball Mogul 2007


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It's great for creating classic rosters. A lot of the attributes and ratings in Baseball Mogul are very similar to those used in MVP. In addition, it has accurate pitches listed for all pitchers, which is nice because the Neyer & James book does not include every pitcher who ever played the game.

I may not play Baseball Mogul, but I'll definitely use it as a reference for the Total Classics 1978 season mod I'm working on.

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BM 05 is free, so that's the one I play - it's no MVP, but I still love it, because it really brings the managing aspect out of the game. Also, I love the classic rosters, it's fun seeing how different players or teams turn out when different things happen.

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BM 05 is free, so that's the one I play - it's no MVP, but I still love it, because it really brings the managing aspect out of the game. Also, I love the classic rosters, it's fun seeing how different players or teams turn out when different things happen.
06 is free too
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