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GamePro First Look at MVP 2005 - Hitter's Eye info


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In case you haven't seen this yet. Some new info on the game and the Hitter's Eye Feature.


There are also some pics and one that shows what appears to be the ne precision pitching meter as there's a small green spot within a larger green zone. Also, the strike zone appears lower and smaller than last year.

Hitter's Eye sounds more like a replay feature than something you use while batting in real-time. Hmm.

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It looks like the pitching meter now has different accuracy zones in it.... blue, yellow, light green, dark green. It looks like letting go of the button in the blue will result in a wild pitch, yellow in a mistake pitch, light green will be close to the aimed spot but maybe not perfect, and there's a small sliver of dark green that looks to be for pitches that hit the intended target precisely.

If the dark green sliver is hard to hit then this could be a very nice improvement to the pitching interface. Potentially, it could lead to more mistake pitches that are over the plate and more mistake pitches that are off the plate for balls. It could also lead to less pinpoint pitches which could mean more balls and more walks.

The crowd in the screen shots also looks to be improved over last year. A bit more detail than last year.

Everything else looks to be the same as last year from a visual perspective (except perhaps different ads). Still got the hot/cold batting zones, the round cursor where the ball crossed the plate, the fielder throwing meter, similar uniforms, bats, gloves, etc.

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The actual screenshots will be accurate, but the graphics won't be. Take a look at the address of the article and you'll find that the screens come from the Nintendo Gamecube.

Is it just me, or does this hitter's eye thing sound like you can change the camera to represent what the hitter actually sees in real time?

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