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Ultimate Boot Cd


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I've been using various versions of Hiren's Boot CD for years. It's a great tool to have, and no self-respective techie should be without one when going on jobs. The newer versions also contain an installation of MiniXP, which you can use to get to an OS environment and run scans or check disk integrity from there, if you're more comfortable in an OS than in DOS-like programs.

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so say i freshly install xp and all the programs i want, i can make a disc(s) to reboot to the exact same installation? thus making my reinstalls faster? is it pretty easy to do from a fresh install of windows or no install at all?

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i had use hiren's boot cd. it's a great tool. i used it for create hard disk images to restore later.

for example:

1. i format my PC and install windows with all my programs, drivers and updates.

2. i rebbot and start hiren's boot cd. i go to clone tools or something like that. So i select Norton ghost Normal.

3. Norton ghost take one minute or less to open.

4. In Norton ghost, i select Partition, later i select TO IMAGE.

5. LAter the program ask me what partition i want to create an image and where i want to save it.

6. After some more steps, it begins to create the image. In my Pc it takes 15-20 min to finish it.

7 When it finished, i had my Windows image.

If i decided format windows, i restore de image and the windows will be restored until the day when i create the image. Normally it takes 10-15 min to restore the image.

Installin windows and all programs and update, it takes me about 2 or 3 hours..so with the imagei only spend 15 min.

Some years ago, i received a infected file from a friend in messenger. The virus was terrible and my Windows was a piece of ****. i resolved it quickly, i restored my imae and 20 mni lateer i was back usign windows again.

so, the best thing ever make after MVP Baseball is the norton ghost..jeje

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Homer you are asking all the same questions I had. I had a lot of issues a couple of weeks back, and ended up doing 5 or 6 formats (Don't ask...:( ). 2 times (the first and last format), I had to reinstall everything from scratch. It was only after I had everything back up and running good, before a tech savvy friend of mine suggested this. Took me a while to figure out where to download it too. I have yet to try it, and hopefully it is a while before I have to deal with that crap again... When I do I kinda want to know all of the things you are asking as well.

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i'll be sure to post then. it sounds like you and i were in the same boat. i'm going through the same process. i'm gonna get my hands on this and see if i can get it working. definitely would like to be able to reboot everything quicker without having to redo all my settings each time. the only problem i've seen so far is that i would prefer to make dvds instead of iso's. it seems the programs i've looked at only do the ladder.

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When you boot the CD, it should be pretty self-explanatory - all the programs are divided up into their own section, such as testing tools, hard disk tools, recovery tools etc., then, when you go into the menu, you are shown the name of the programs. As most of them are text-based, instructions, or a self-contained "Help" section, is usually contained in the program as well.

You can use the programs for a range of things such as hardware testing, password removal, imaging and recovery, system cleaners, anti-virus and malware tools - pretty much everything you'll need if you have a troublesome system.

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yeah i wish i could do that. but i'm doing this on one of the laptops, so i don't have enough space to make another partition. i would hook up an external, but i don't have one right now that has enough space either.

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another solution could be install a fresh copy of windows and only install drivers and updates. so then create your image file.

I don't remenber the exactly size of mi image file but i think it is about 15 GB, but my windows 7 with all my programs has the size of 20Gb more or less.

you could try using an usb pen drive.

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yeah man, i went all out. my backup was about 73 gb. but that's what i wanted to be done. it's all done now and i've got them on several dvds. so i think it worked. i won't know for sure until it's time to reboot again. maybe i'll get brave and try it some time.

i'm eager to try this on my other computers now.

have any of you rebooted from this? i'm curious if i need to reformat the drive first or if i can just boot norton ghost and go from there with my dvds.

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waoo.......73Gb.......jejejeje........ i think it's too many data for a backup...... i don't know waht kind of programs do you have installed in your PC but is too many data.

My suggestion is that you can create another partition in the HDD. For example check my configuration:

I have a 160GB HDD. One partition have 40GB and the rest is for the another partition. In the 40Gb partition, i installed windows 7 with all my programs, Mods, etc, etc. In the another partition i have all my documents, my videos, music, installation software, backup image, etc, etc.

When i need to restore my windows i don't lost anything important because all my documents are in the another partition.

In your configuration, is possibly that you can lost your documents because the image will be restore until the day when you created. for example, if you create the image today everything is Ok, but tomorrow you create a new document. The day after tomorrow, Windows has a crash that you can't save your new document created the day before. and if you restore you backup, it'll be until the day when you created it (today).

So the best configuration if to have a another HDD or partition to save the documents or another file that if Windows has a bad day you can recovery.

PS: excuse my bad English.

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  • 2 weeks later...

alright, just as an update...i went ahead and tested these backup dvds i made. i didn't reformat or anything, just used the restore function and it worked like a charm. so no more having to reinstall everything every time i reinstall windows. like i said before, i put all of my backup on dvds, so it took longer since i had to change discs every once in awhile. if you can do it on an external hard drive, a second hard drive, or another partition, i believe it would go quicker. bottom line is this does exactly what we were discussing.

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