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Global Warming..


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It was much colder this time last year and remember being ice cold in the middle-ending of November (I'm in New York of course).

yeah i agree, we just got our 1st snow of the year a few days ago. but the last few days its been really cold and i know that its going to really start soon. cant wait...lol

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What's most hilarious is that with this scam going on in Copenhagen (pronounce like Haagen-Das, not Sammy Haggar), they're going to see record LOW temperatures in that area.

Sorry to those who wanted to become scientists..... your field has been bastardized by politicians!!

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What's most hilarious is that with this scam going on in Copenhagen (pronounce like Haagen-Das, not Sammy Haggar), they're going to see record LOW temperatures in that area.

Sorry to those who wanted to become scientists..... your field has been bastardized by politicians!!

Amen, brother

the emphasis on carbon is a big scam. CO2 (carbon dioxide) is good for plants, vegitation, and agriculture. Underground volcanoes, cosmic radiation from outer space, the sun are what causes warming- but then again its cyclical in nature and human beings have little to no effect on it at all. Climate change is an ANCIENT phenomenon...not something that happened because Henry Ford started a car factory and polluted the air.

but warming is not even the direction we're headed in. We're definitely headed to a "mini ice age" as evidence from the cooling temperatures. But even then, the effect won't be as catastrophic as fear mongering zealots claim it to be. We as human beings will just have to adapt using our technology and resources....you know, because humanity is more important than a few polar bears that died.

Too bad about this whole debate. So many scientists are afraid to speak out because of that private-jet fylying, Climate Nazi Al Gore, who won't even debate people he doesn't agree with. Sadly, this whole thing has become POLITICS. And if anyone disgrees with the warming hoax, you get branded as "right-wing" or that bad word..."conservative"

Real science is about the pursuit of truth- in a skeptical manner. It's not supposed to be a bunch of morons in Copenhagen telling lay people what is, when what they give to the world is junk science with erroneous facts.

I hope the US doesn't sign any treaty

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