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Records Of Baseball


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Bonds records cannot be broken now. Now that there is testing for steroids no one has a chance of breaking them If we are going to allow theseto remain records then everyone should be allowed to have the same playing field to break these and other records that were obtained through chemical assistance. Rose, Clemens and others who benefited from these should be allowed to keep there records and any player that wants to use substances that could permanently damage their bodies to go after these records should be allowed to. If a record means that much to an individual that they are willing to possibly make themselves sterile or shorten their life then they should be allowed to do it. Spit balls, emery sticks, etc-should all be allowed again so records can be challenged when these were allowed. If baseball keeps these as records and doesn't allow others the same chance then it isn't an even playing field. Let us have records before 1947 after 1947 and before steroids, during steroids, and records after steroids if we don't do this. By the way making some of these idiot athletes sterile is not all that bad an idea.

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Bonds records cannot be broken now. Now that there is testing for steroids no one has a chance of breaking them If we are going to allow theseto remain records then everyone should be allowed to have the same playing field to break these and other records that were obtained through chemical assistance. Rose, Clemens and others who benefited from these should be allowed to keep there records and any player that wants to use substances that could permanently damage their bodies to go after these records should be allowed to. If a record means that much to an individual that they are willing to possibly make themselves sterile or shorten their life then they should be allowed to do it. Spit balls, emery sticks, etc-should all be allowed again so records can be challenged when these were allowed. If baseball keeps these as records and doesn't allow others the same chance then it isn't an even playing field. Let us have records before 1947 after 1947 and before steroids, during steroids, and records after steroids if we don't do this. By the way making some of these idiot athletes sterile is not all that bad an idea.

You have no idea what you are talking about. For one thing, what is the evidence that Pete Rose used steroids? For another, try using paragraphs. For a third, wishing that athletes are made sterile for using steroids, whether wrong, or not, is outrageous and sickening.

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You have no idea what you are talking about. For one thing, what is the evidence that Pete Rose used steroids? For another, try using paragraphs. For a third, wishing that athletes are made sterile for using steroids, whether wrong, or not, is outrageous and sickening.

1). Rose used amphetamines, which is likely that to which was being referred.

2). Do not personally attack other users, please. Argue the argument, not the arguer.

3). He did not wish anything on anyone, he's saying that if athletes want to do that to themselves, so be it.

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1). Rose used amphetamines, which is likely that to which was being referred.

2). Do not personally attack other users, please. Argue the argument, not the arguer.

3). He did not wish anything on anyone, he's saying that if athletes want to do that to themselves, so be it.

1) No it wasn't. He used his and Clemens name in the same sentence.

2) I did NOT attack the user unless you are idiotically using the "you don't know what you're talking about" sentence. That is NOT an attack and I have seen a LOT worse here, even by some of the mods.

3) "By the way making some of these idiot athletes sterile is not all that bad an idea." If that is not wishing wishing something on someone, than I don't know what is.

Is that clear now, Pal? If not, then it's YOUR problem, isn't it?

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I'm being sarcastic to some degree. The records are now tainted. It will be impossible for anyone to break the record unless they add about 20 more teams and stalk them with AA caliber pitchers. If you do not allow steroids then change all the records as I suggested. This would satisfy all the arguments about black athletes and spit balls etc.

I'm going to start a Paragraph for my new found friend. My point about idiot athletes coincides with their desire to do this to themselves to get more money or break a record. Injecting anything into your body has side effects. That being said-they are idiots for doing that-I'm not sure we want that genetic code passed on. Tongue in cheek to my new found friend.

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Hey Pickles, tone it down a bit, ok?

Excellent! You are the first person to know what my alias means. Now if you can also come up with another reference, WITHOUT using Google, you will get another point.

Oh, and I don't have anything, in my opinion, to tone down. No surprise that you came into this thread though, even though the conversation was between Sean O and myself, but that would be pretty much expected of you. Let me ask you another question. Is there EVER a time of day that you are NOT on this board, and what does your wife think of that? Of course, she may actually like that. Who's next, Mark? He's actually the only moderator that I respect on this board.

@Sean O: I am NOT going to respond to your private message, you are just not worth my taking the time to do so.

Is that toned down enough?

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Excellent! You are the first person to know what my alias means. Now if you can also come up with another reference, WITHOUT using Google, you will get another point.

Oh, and I don't have anything, in my opinion, to tone down. No surprise that you came into this thread though, even though the conversation was between Sean O and myself, but that would be pretty much expected of you. Let me ask you another question. Is there EVER a time of day that you are NOT on this board, and what does your wife think of that? Of course, she may actually like that. Who's next, Mark? He's actually the only moderator that I respect on this board.

@Sean O: I am NOT going to respond to your private message, you are just not worth my taking the time to do so.

Is that toned down enough?


Enjoy your day off.

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Bonds records cannot be broken now. Now that there is testing for steroids no one has a chance of breaking them If we are going to allow theseto remain records then everyone should be allowed to have the same playing field to break these and other records that were obtained through chemical assistance. Rose, Clemens and others who benefited from these should be allowed to keep there records and any player that wants to use substances that could permanently damage their bodies to go after these records should be allowed to. If a record means that much to an individual that they are willing to possibly make themselves sterile or shorten their life then they should be allowed to do it. Spit balls, emery sticks, etc-should all be allowed again so records can be challenged when these were allowed. If baseball keeps these as records and doesn't allow others the same chance then it isn't an even playing field. Let us have records before 1947 after 1947 and before steroids, during steroids, and records after steroids if we don't do this. By the way making some of these idiot athletes sterile is not all that bad an idea.

I'm sick and tired of the Baseball Writers and the other pundits talking about how this or that is cheating. IS it cheating to an extent? Yes. However, the player still needs to hit the ball, or hit the strike zone in order for anything really to matter. Steroids probably do help you hit the ball farther, and for pitchers, help you throw the ball faster or with more velocity; however, consequently the ball has to be hit (by batters) and the strike has to be thrown (by pitchers). Unless they can prove beyond all doubt that there was a verifiable percentage of how much it helps a player at a given time or whatever, I could really care less about the whole thing. I think if a steroid-using hitter hit a homer against a steriod-using pitcher, it was a "fair" challenge, and vice-versa for striking out the batter and so on. As for HGH, it really doesn't make any difference for me either, as it was usually used to heal quicker and play more - which we fans all want or wanted from our players. It may NOT be right or moral, but that is the truth...

With the contracts that are at stake for the given statistics of a 20-25 homer, 60-75 RBI versus 30-35 homer, 80-95 RBI hitter; and consequently, the 45+ homer, 100-145 RBI type hitter (at various stages of their career), and the many different levels pitchers are paid at, depending on their ERAs, K/BB ratios, and WHIPs and so on, is it REALLY any surprise these guys are trying to get an advantage one way or another. If we as "normal," everyday people could take a pill to allow us to produce more product or program more code, and work longer and heal from the stress and pain faster, to ensure our jobs and our salaries to support our families more effectively and consistently - about 75-80% would probably do it. I realize I'm talking apples to oranges, but it seems logical to me, given the chance in this economy and the such, especially, we would do this without hesistation. Would we feel guilty to a certain extent? Probably. However, chances are you would do it. I also realize that when these players did it, the economy was in decent shape, but contracts were still at a competitive rate, nonetheless. Unless you were a left-handed pitcher, and could breathe, you probably were always fighting for that next contract, and trying to ensure the value of your career. I just have NO WISH to judge these guys. Do I agree with what they did? NO! But let's move on people, it really doesn't matter anymore - the carrot is out of the ground, the eagle has perched, and the shark has eaten the swimmer...


--- vbprogjoe (Joe W.)

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