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How I fell in love with Baseball.


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Hey guys,

I'm new here, but I think I can say I have at least one thing in common with all of you guys. I love baseball, and lately I've been trying to get back with baseball. Not to get into the why's but I've been away from baseball for a while, and well, I've made a grave mistake, and I'd like to remember why I loved baseball. And it kind of gave me an idea for a post here. What I thought would be cool, if it hasn't been done before, is have a post where we can share our first experience and how we were introduced to baseball. As some of you may know I like to wax nostalgia rather heavy so if you are not into that, or don't want to get into that, I guess this might be where you get off. Unless perhaps you want to see it as a brain exercise. You may want to remember this memory in the future, so remember it now so you can remember it again.



I don't really remember "how" old I was, but it was T-ball and in and around when I was in the first grade. So pretty damn young I guess, but I played in the school little league "season" as a Houston Astro. Navy blue jersey, with the 1994-95 era logo on it I think. I still have the hat somewhere around here. Anyways I don't remember many of the baseball games, though I do remember one play in particular. I hit one inside the park 2 run home-run when I hit a ball into the air in right field. It hit the fence so hard that it stuck in the fence. Then Center, and Right proceeded to fight over it, as I "flew" around the diamond. We wound up winning our season, not over that game, but as a reward the coaches bought us tickets to go see the real Houston Astros! Holy shit! The real ones? In Houston? No way.

The town I'm from isn't big by any means, 33k~. Even smaller back then.

We got to the park and we got to go on a tour, telling us how the Astro Dome was built, and about the team. I don't remember much from here, most of it comes from my parents who always tell of how, when the tour guide asked,

"Now, does anyone know who plays third base for the Astros?" My hand shot up.


"Matt"! Apparently the look on his face was priceless.

Matt was the kid who played third base for our Houston Astros, not The House Astros. I was a dumb kid. I just remember feeling like we were getting a tour because you know, we had won the season and this was like I don't know a "parade" for us or something. Now I'm pretty sure it was just something they did in the day before the games to make money. Again, dumb kid.

What I do remember is the first time I stepped into the actual arena and saw the field. I just stood there for a moment,

I had seen Baseball on TV. I remember sitting at the bar at home and watching on the tiny SD rabbit eared set we had there, as Nolan Ryan pitched one of his no hitters. Now that I've looked into it, I'm thinking it may have been his seventh. I really wish I could remember that game better now.

But this, what was this? This was huge! I mean, this is where they play? WHOA! Look how tall it is! This is awesome!

The field was an almost psychedelic bright green with what I now know as "sliding pits" around the bases. The pitcher's mound looked like a tiny island sitting in all that green, with home plate staring back. And all the seats in some areas were painted up like the Rainbow 86 Jersey they had from their closest run at the World Series at that time. It was crazy, and I loved it from that moment. 

I remember then, some bits and pieces from the game itself. The now, My Houston Astros, versus the, Colorado Rockies, who as I understand now where a team to contend with at this point in their short history. I remember I had to use binoculars and hold them for real, just to see the game but I followed it. Every time a batter would hit a fly ball, my dad would jump and yell Home Run! Then, the outfielder would just stroll up and catch it. I remember during the seventh inning stretch my mom thought the game was over and was getting ready to leave.

"Little league has seven innings Mom. This is the Majors."

I remember shortly afterwards while waiting for the game to start back up, I used the binoculars to look at the roof, and found the huge speakers up there. It scared me for a second when I realized how large they were, just hanging up there, above our heads, while we were distracted from the game. Then the game started back up.

I remember at some point we did finally hit a home run. I'm thinking it may have been the 8th inning or so. I remember the Rockies won. And I remember the score as 9-5.

I was disappointed we lost, but I was barely aware of it. I was too excited at having actually been there. So much so that I can still remember the sounds if I try today. I hope I never forget that and how I felt. And from that day on I loved baseball, and the Astro Dome. She was the first to introduce me to the world of baseball, and to maybe my first love, of baseball. And you never really forget that.


I hope to read more stories like this from you guys. Try and remember that first game, or whatever it was that lit that spark. It'll be a good exercise for us older guys. You younger guys will want to remember this when you get older, so it'll do you good to.

Edited by Slydude3129
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