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Cell Phone Choice


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Hey guys, for Christmas I am looking to get a new cell phone. I would like one with a camera, video, music player, and a decent look. The Chocolate, so far, is my top choice.

After researching more about the Chocolate I have found that in order to store a good number of songs and pictures you need to buy an expandable memory card. My question is, how many songs and pictures does it hold without the expandable memory card?

I have also read that it requires Windows Media Player to put songs on the phone. I use iTunes for my music and I would like that to be how I put music on it. I was under the impression that iTunes is what is used on the cell phones, so shouldn't it sync with iTunes?

It also seems to require a separate USB cable to link to your computer. I'm assuming this can be found at any Verizon store, its not some special thing, right?

I like to have some flexibility with my phone and I like having a big and easy to use screen. I like the Razr's screen, but the phone it self is a little too long for me. Does the Chocolate have a good and easy screen to use?

Thanks so much for the help. If anyone has a Chocolate, a good description of what it can do would be great. If you guys have any other phone suggestions for waht I'm looking for, please suggest them. Thanks guys.

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Hm, this is a tough one. The Chocolate phone is a Samsung, correct? Samsung phones have always been good to me.

Well, any phone is better than Motorola and their horrible interface and short battery life.

I used to be on Cingular, but now I'm on Nextel/Sprint so my opinion should not count, but because of my alias it should ;)

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Try looking at the VX8600..doesn't Sony Ericsson have a deal with Cingular to manufacture phones?

I looked at the VX8600 and it looks pretty nice. I like the way the Chocolate runs better, but this phone looks pretty nice.

I'm not sure about the Ericsson deal.

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I have a LG Chocalate, It is by far the best phone i could want. It has an option for 2 gb miniflash drive which amounts to like 500 songs. Video/Camera Tons of stuff. I have it for Verizon. Trust me though JoeyMcM93, You will love it, but never keep the sense touch thingy on super, i had it there for like 2 months and the buttons stopped working, ive kept it on medium so far and it works great.

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Thanks for the help man. Do you use it as a media player too? If so, can you sync it to iTunes?

I definetly use my chocolate for a media player, i use my ipod for trips and stuf like that,but i use the chocolate for school, No you cant sync it with itunes.

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Thanks for the help.

After doing some more research I have discovered some things with the Chocolate I don't like. I have looked more and more at the RAZR and I like it a lot. Verizon does not seem to support the v3i which is the one with iTunes. The v3m is supported by Verizon and I think I could make that one work, but there are a few different versions. There is a red v3m which isn't out for Verizon yet, but that one looks very nice. I have also found a RAZR v3t, but I can't seem to find a buy link on the Motorola website. I am wondering if it is not out yet. Does anyone know much about all of this? Thanks.

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  • 1 year later...

I just ordered the LG Dare from Verizon. My New Every Two made it $149.99 so I figured, $50 for the phone, $50 for the camera, and $50 for the media player made it worth it. Some people say that touch screen is slow in responsiveness and not consistant, while others say it takes some time to get used to. Of course, everyone has to compare it to the iPhone, but since I've never held or even seen the iPhone in person, that comparison doesn't apply to me. So whatever, should be here early in the week.

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