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anybody interested in an xbox with goodies


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Xbox with Xecuter CE 3 modchip (soldering required), 2 fully functioning controller, with one with a left trigger that sticks every one and while (2 much halo) NCAA football 2008, MVP 05, MVP 04, NCAA Baseball 06, Halo, Halo 2, Madden 06, WWE Raw 2, Madden 04, cord that plugs into the tv, is for Xbox, XBox 360, PS2, and Gamecube, full action replay package with 1 extra memory card, and.....well i think thats it. and ill throw in another xbox you can use for parts. im pretty sure that's it.

Ill think of a price by 4:00 pm by the latest. Or best offer. Ill post pics later, cause im a school right now.

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nope, cause its not modded. the xbox comes with a chip that you can have someone install for you.

if you want to find more about modding your xbox, please go to pbs.com. DAMMIT!, i mean go to xbox-scene.com.

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  • 2 weeks later...

9 games 1 xbox 1 new modchip, action replay with 2 memory cards, 3 controllers. well i can see how ppl dont wanna pay 200 bucks for it, but thats the price, take it or leave it. or if anybody has halo 2 for pc, they can trade me that and ill lower the price under 125 bucks.

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9 games 1 xbox 1 new modchip, action replay with 2 memory cards, 3 controllers. well i can see how ppl dont wanna pay 200 bucks for it, but thats the price, take it or leave it. or if anybody has halo 2 for pc, they can trade me that and ill lower the price under 125 bucks.

Let's put this out:

$75 for an Xbox

$75 for 9 Games (About $8 a game)

$50 for a Mod Chip

$20 Action Replay/2 Memory Cards

$10 for 2 Extra Controllers (One included with the game)



Personally, that's what I think all of that is worth (Generously). That's just me, but I think it should be a ballpark range.

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halo 2 is 29.99

so you really cant say 8 bucks a game

xbox systems are actually 79.99 (no big deal in that)

memory cards run 10 dollars each and i believe a AR is 20

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if anyone here buys this you should be ashamed of yourself... that is a ripoff

thats your personal opinion and i respect that, but if they buy it, they are paying a fair price. like bigrog and el_jefe061 said,

Let's put this out:

$75 for an Xbox

$75 for 9 Games (About $8 a game)

$50 for a Mod Chip

$20 Action Replay/2 Memory Cards

$10 for 2 Extra Controllers (One included with the game)



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halo 2 is 29.99

so you really cant say 8 bucks a game

It's really just more of an average. Halo 2 is $30 new, probably about $20 used, so it does decline a bit.

Some people like the original Xbox, and if it's modded you can use it to play MVP (and a lot of other things). You might be better off selling the thing individually.

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thats your personal opinion and i respect that, but if they buy it, they are paying a fair price. like bigrog and el_jefe061 said,

Let's put this out:

$75 for an Xbox

$75 for 9 Games (About $8 a game)

$50 for a Mod Chip

$20 Action Replay/2 Memory Cards

$10 for 2 Extra Controllers (One included with the game)



actually its more then that. around 250-270
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