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Good and Bad brother, some of them look amazingly spot on, and others look extremely rushed and jagged.


Quality over quantity! I've followed your work for many years and see the improvements! But again quality over quantity!


Take your time and allow your skills to marinate 1 player at a time...I use to download all your packs, because you always made the effort to complete teams and players others were not doing!


That will always be something I've always respected, but for the ones with weird jagged noses and pasted eyes and hair are not as good and don't really look anything like themselves, other than skin-tones and similar hair styles, take your time. I know you can do better, because other faces you done show just that...


Honest criticism and keep up the great job on supporting this game over the past decade...

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Thanks for the feedback. These are all works in progress. Almost every single one of them require work on the 3D head model by using Blender. I do not know how to use Blender and dont really have the time anymore to teach myself how to use it. I am using specific cyberfaces from other modders because they have a headshape that bears a decent resemblance to the player's face I am trying to create. I am creating the textures and placing them over that cyberface and adjusting those textures accordingly. So naturally there are flaws such as the ones you suggest. I completely agree with your assessment. But something is still better than nothing. I have hinted at, asked indirectly and directly asked other fellow cyberface modders who have the time to learn and use Blender if they would like to collaborate with me (I do the textures, they do the 3D head model) and they are either silent or told me NO directly. Its frustrating but I dont lose sleep over it either. 

On a side note: the cyberface you see in the editing screen in game that I capture a snapshot of looks completely different than how the player looks in-game.

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22 hours ago, Behindshadows said:

Honest criticism and keep up the great job on supporting this game over the past decade...


I just wanted to step in here for a second to give my thanks to you. It is very common in here to read where someone gives a critique of a modder's work and it is usually just to put down them or their work. You didn't do that. Instead, you complimented his work and told him nicely what you thought some of the problems were with some of the faces.  You just gave your observations and touched on the good points and problem areas that you saw. No wonder why scottybilly reacted so favorably to your post. Thanks again.

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Thank you for the sentiments. Myself, I tend to shy away from giving helpful critique to others about their mods because I'm mindful that it may not be acceptable or appreciated by the modder himself. I have'nt gotten a PM from you mbowkett1978, but a public Thank you is plenty good enough. :good:

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On 6/12/2022 at 5:00 PM, Yankee4Life said:


I just wanted to step in here for a second to give my thanks to you. It is very common in here to read where someone gives a critique of a modder's work and it is usually just to put down them or their work. You didn't do that. Instead, you complimented his work and told him nicely what you thought some of the problems were with some of the faces.  You just gave your observations and touched on the good points and problem areas that you saw. No wonder why scottybilly reacted so favorably to your post. Thanks again.

Absolutely I have a high respect for scottybilly and for his time he spends working on this game for so long!

When I respect someone, I won't shame them or disrespect them in anyway, especially when they are doing a job, I obviously can not do!

But I am a graphics artist and details stand out to me in any form of graphics representation.


I like that he does, do the players others are not even attempting, I've used his packs for 10 years and will continue to support his efforts and this forum too.

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