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Thank You 'Veesmack'


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We somehow overlooked giving credit to one of the modders for TCP4.

Veesmack 'Thank You' much for your excellent faces and audio's.

And for that matter a big 'Thank You' to ALL the modders again for the help

of making this 'Nostalgic Treasure' TCP4 come true!!

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I have an idea on how to add Veesmack's name to the credit list AlexTony. Fuzz said that when the Forum Fanatics and Mod Squad rosters are set, a minor update to TC 4 will be released. When that is released, Veesmack's name can be added to the readme file.

It would be really nice if they listed the faces I did, since they list all the faces the other modders did. I hope Seaver and the Gehrig upgrade I did are in there.

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It would be really nice if they listed the faces I did, since they list all the faces the other modders did. I hope Seaver and the Gehrig upgrade I did are in there.

They're in there....

Not every face is listed in the credits file (whodidwhat.txt). Fuzz just tweaked the one that was used for TC3. You are listed in there as a face creator.

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It would be really nice if they listed the faces I did, since they list all the faces the other modders did. I hope Seaver and the Gehrig upgrade I did are in there.

They're in there....

Not every face is listed in the credits file (whodidwhat.txt). Fuzz just tweaked the one that was used for TC3. You are listed in there as a face creator.

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humbleness is good. try it.

So you would enjoy not being credited for your work? Exactly why do you think I deserve less credit when I did more faces? And what does credit have to do with humility?

In fact, I AM being quite humble. I could have just said don't use my faces or only use them this way or that way. The fact is, I gave the TC gang permission to use my faces and credit me or not, whatever they wanted to do. This way I could see what kind of people they are, by seeing if they would do the right thing in this instance. I see my name listed there and I know they are trying to do the right thing but have a ton of work to do. If I weren't being humble, I would make demands or hurl accusations. I've done no such thing.

All I said (and please point out where this is incorrect) is that it would be nice if they gave me credit for all the cyberfaces I contributed to the game. The nice thing to do would be to give credit where it is due wherever possible. My impression of the TC crew is that they are upstanding citizens so I'm sure this is an oversight they intend to correct.

Uncle Mo, I forgive you for trying to smear me here. Please don't ever do that again. If you have a problem with me and you are a man, you will contact me personally, not try to smear me and hope I don't see it. I am clearly being QUITE humble as I've donated any face they want to their cause and am only REQUESTING and not DEMANDING fair credit.

If you are saying I deserve less credit than people who only did one or two cyberfaces, please explain what makes me so different from the rest of the human race. Then explain why a person you think is so different from the rest of the human race should be humble. If I'm so completely different that all rules of social behavior should be different for me, shouldn't I have a HUGE ego?


So which is it Uncle Mo???

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If you want the TC team to truly be fair, then what we should have done was update the credits file and only list modder names and not list their specific contributions.

We didn't list specific contributions made by roster modders, portrait modders, audio modders, etc. Were their contributions any less important than yours? Face modders should not be treated any differently than any of these other modders. No set of mods is any more important than any other, although a case could be made for the rosters, because how could you have a classic team without it's roster?

You wanted credit for your faces and you got it, although it may not have been in the form you were looking for. You do good work and the TC team appreciates it. Tony started this thread because Veesmack was inadvertently left off of the credits list. With the shear volume of changes we got for TC, we would have needed a bookkeeper just to keep track of them all.

If you are looking for an updated TC4 release that lists all of the faces you contributed, I wouldn't hold your breath. After 8 months of working on TC, most of the team is ready for a break. I myself have not played a complete game in about 3 months, so I am looking forward to re-learning the game and remembering why I liked playing it so much.

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If you want the TC team to truly be fair, then what we should have done was update the credits file and only list modder names and not list their specific contributions.

We didn't list specific contributions made by roster modders, portrait modders, audio modders, etc. Were their contributions any less important than yours? Face modders should not be treated any differently than any of these other modders. No set of mods is any more important than any other, although a case could be made for the rosters, because how could you have a classic team without it's roster?

You wanted credit for your faces and you got it, although it may not have been in the form you were looking for. You do good work and the TC team appreciates it. Tony started this thread because Veesmack was inadvertently left off of the credits list. With the shear volume of changes we got for TC, we would have needed a bookkeeper just to keep track of them all.

If you are looking for an updated TC4 release that lists all of the faces you contributed, I wouldn't hold your breath. After 8 months of working on TC, most of the team is ready for a break. I myself have not played a complete game in about 3 months, so I am looking forward to re-learning the game and remembering why I liked playing it so much.

WOAH! Jim, I wasn't trying to start a controversy here, and I most certainly appreciate all the work that went into TC1-4. People are acting like I was demanding something or throwing a fit, neither was the case.

Actually, I have a list of all (or most) of the faces, AlexTony gave it to me a while back. I can start piecing together who did what with the partial credits in tc4. The first comment I wrote was mainly coming from the fact that I was wondering which of my faces were in.

BTW, Uncle Mo did write me, but he was polite in his letter and asked me if I knew how to do this thing he's trying to do. I didn't, unfortunately.

Also, please don't think I disrespect roster modders. I've been toying with that for some time but not released anything-- clearly I have respect for those who are better than me in that department.

"With the shear volume of changes we got for TC, we would have needed a bookkeeper just to keep track of them all."

Yeah that sounds like what I was saying to Uncle Mo, doesn't it?

People should read what I write instead of reading INTO what I write. Too many people here are always looking for a fight or argument. I have no interest in arguing, so please stop taking what I say in such a challenging way.

I was asked initially and told I would need to make my faces exclusive to Total Classics. I was the "Curt Flood" of Total Classics in that I said no, I will not "belong" to Total Classics. FOr this, I take alot of crap, sometimes from other "free agents" who exist in a situation I helped create (by saying no).

Please everyone vote on my thread that I should be treated badly if I'm not a jock. I can use it to give the site lots more publicity if you want, haha.

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Not trying to start a fight just point something out. If you don't see what I see, then I'll respectfully shush.

Okay, I don't want to fight with you either Uncle Mo, you share my loathing of the generic faces in the game. We're brothers in that department, you're fighting the good fight.

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Told you he was your brother. And you simultaneously ruined Christmas and My Buddy for him forever. You deserve this, Uncle Mo. You deserve this.


I imagine this was intended in a constructive way? And has something to do with the topic of the thread? And demonstrates your maturity?

People who write things like this should not use my faces in their game you know. They should stop being hypocrites and just delete them, don't you think? :twisted:

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1. No I don't think. It was intended in a non-constructive, but non-destructive way.

2. Your posts don't have much to do with "Thank you, Veesmack" either.

3. Maturity? At least I spelled and punctuated everything correctly without saying "LOLz." There are a few "informal" incomplete sentences though I see you used those too.

4. What's hypocritical about what I said? Is there anything in there that says, "PeterB's cyberfaces suck." or "We shouldn't have cyberfaces." or anything remotely even addressing cyberfaces? I like the cyberfaces. I think you even made Pete Rose better looking than he is in real life.

4. UncleMo had previously discussed how he didn't want to approach you about something because of previous bad blood. Thus, I carried that over in a thread about Secret Santas after Mo admitted some horrible and hideous things about himself. Then, I carried that over here. It's a joke, and I'm sure Mo gets it. I'll be glad to annotate my jokes in the future, like this:

Told you he was your brother. And you simultaneously ruined Christmas and My Buddy for him forever. You deserve this, Uncle Mo. You deserve this. [For further reference, see the thread Secret Santa's Gone Wild.]

Should I make it MLA format? APA? Turabian? (No. Screw Kate Turabian.)

See, Pete? No harm done. Just a joke. Let's move on. We cool? [For further reference, see the poem We Real Cool by Gwendolyn Brooks.]


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1. No I don't think. It was intended in a non-constructive, but non-destructive way.

2. Your posts don't have much to do with "Thank you, Veesmack" either.

3. Maturity? At least I spelled and punctuated everything correctly without saying "LOLz." There are a few "informal" incomplete sentences though I see you used those too.

4. What's hypocritical about what I said? Is there anything in there that says, "PeterB's cyberfaces suck." or "We shouldn't have cyberfaces." or anything remotely even addressing cyberfaces? I like the cyberfaces. I think you even made Pete Rose better looking than he is in real life.

4. UncleMo had previously discussed how he didn't want to approach you about something because of previous bad blood. Thus, I carried that over in a thread about Secret Santas after Mo admitted some horrible and hideous things about himself. Then, I carried that over here. It's a joke, and I'm sure Mo gets it. I'll be glad to annotate my jokes in the future, like this:

Told you he was your brother. And you simultaneously ruined Christmas and My Buddy for him forever. You deserve this, Uncle Mo. You deserve this. [For further reference, see the thread Secret Santa's Gone Wild.]

Should I make it MLA format? APA? Turabian? (No. Screw Kate Turabian.)

See, Pete? No harm done. Just a joke. Let's move on. We cool? [For further reference, see the poem We Real Cool by Gwendolyn Brooks.]


"LOLz?" When have I ever written "LOLz?" Maturity has very little to do with grammar or use of the vernacular. If you're posting to make fun of people, then you're not being mature whether youuse the vernacular or the Queen's English, in my "HUMBLE" opinion.

But other than that, yeah I'm cool with you if you're cool with me. Let's all sing. Kumabaya, my lord! Kumbayaaaaa!

Oh and THANK YOU VEESMACK! (Just to get back on topic).

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Thank you, everybody. I have been dealing with other issues and haven't been around in the last week and haven't responded here.

I was wondering if there are any plans to update TC4 (either to fix certain things although I haven't found many problems or to say I had some faces in the mod). As an artist, I feel that is important to be recognized for contributing work. I don't care to have each face/audio listed but I was bothered not seeing my name at all in the credits. I understand people make accidental mistakes and omissions but what I am looking for is a real "Thank You" that in my opinion is only making the correction not just a verbal or written thank you.

To me, it's like saying my faces, to somebody who downloads TC4, was made by other cyberface makers and there is no way for that person to tell and there's little peace of mind knowing the correction is either not going to be made or not even planned at all.

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