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Spin-off Christmas thread


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As a spin-off of UncleMo's Christmas thread, and out out my curiosity, I'd like to know what people gave to others for Christmas. Not family members, friends, people you would "normally" give presents to, but just...people. Random person in the street, homeless guy singing in a doorway, hostels, charitable organisations, that sort of thing.

And, please, don't lie.

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I gave the homeless guy who opens doors at a local KFC my 50 cents; a guy asking for a swipe thru the turnstile in exchange for $2.00, a swipe.

I've done many nice things for people but I've stopped doing so because there are so many bitter fools out here that basically just decide to sh*t on you because you cared, which is why my love/my respect/my trust is limited to people.

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I haven't given either, and I confess that it is something I'm not really proud of. Where I live and work I don't see any homeless people but I like to think I would give if I saw them. But now since I re-read your post Mark, I did give to a charitable organization. My wife and I donate to the charity (I forget what it is called now) that handles rights for animals. That's about the only thing I've done.

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Have not given a dime to anyone.

I instead decided to help someone out earlier in the year.

2 kids, living with their mom, who is having a hard time being a parent (not judging, just from what I was told) So, these kids needed school clothes galore. They pretty much had nothing. Nothing.

I'm not saying how much $ I gave personally, but I think I collected other money with a coworker/acquaintence and that coworker took the two boys shopping to get brand new clothes for school. They were so happy. Since that wiped me out, even though I knew I should give at the time, I decided that I' not give this Crhistmas. Plus my family is in need, which is strange. They're having a hard time so giving to them is the same as helping a family in dire need. No joke either.

Good thread. I'd like to throw the question back at the author.

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Well, when I did collect money the email that I sent out said "let's not wait until the holidays to help those in need". I was happy at the response from people that sheeled out cash, chekcs etc etc.

I appreciate the honesty in this thread.

And Y4L, dont' be so formal. Please, call me Uncle. LOL.

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I've given about $10 to the Salvation Army, donated $20 to the group home I work for so that the kids in the program could have presents, bought a pair of socks and shoes for some Iraqi farmers through a program my landlord's son is running over there, and I'm sure I've done other stuff...

I also bought a Thanksgiving meal for a family through my cable company this year.


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